Title: Three Decades Later
Length: One-shot (approx. 5500 words)
Author: sayhell Rating: PG-13
Pairings: Kyuwook
Genre: Mild fluff, Mild angst (In actual fact, I don't really know)
Summary: A letter Kyuhyun received from his late wife propelled him to look for Ryeowook. Reunited after three decades of separation, Kyuhyun promised himself that he'll
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Comments 36
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I've followed you back. I'm caroline/21/singapore, quite old aren't I. XD
I love how you characterized Kyuhyun--tempered and older but still in essense the same guy we know know.
wow! Just wow! Not many people attempt to write characters when they're older, and definitely not many people succeed as magnificently as you have!! I absolutely loved it! Died with the amazingness of it! T__T This is an absolutely mem and I'm just in love~ (good love/rock analogy, as well. It made me happy)
did anyone ask for a mini prequel to this? THAT WOULD BE...SO AWESOME.
this was good
though.... the whole wife's letter thing. I can't really imagine that feeling. husband opens a letter that contained wife's permission to see old lover... i dunno, somewhat strange. cant picture it. nor can i picture ryeowook reading it and reacting just like that... i dunno.
but ending was very cute!! (old people are cute too. i love old couples. they make my heart feel warm)
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