Yeah, I always blamed her for that, but you can't help but wonder. Who are we to judge?
Why didn't you ask her any questions? o3o; That was... super weird. Was someone trying to frame you for being a pervert or something? There are one million better ways to prove that I mean
Luckily, these chickens I never grew quite so close to, so it's easier to let go, but still. Space is important, and these birds don't have enough. Since Larry's gone, I'm hoping I can talk Mom into letting them run around the yard like they used to before he got here. Then they can run around and stretch their wings and eat grass and scratch for bugs /)w(\
We're doing pretty ok! o7 Yeah, it would be nice to have some maturity around here, but... sometimes, being childlike is better than being adultlike. I think.
Comments 7
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Why didn't you ask her any questions? o3o; That was... super weird. Was someone trying to frame you for being a pervert or something? There are one million better ways to prove that I mean
/... doesn't know what else to say but gives many hugs
Also fffffff what in the, random nudes. What.
idek. i...dek. Who would even PRINT something like that? xD The images are so tiny and hard to fap to anyway.
Clearly people just think microscopic penises and nipples are IN these days! Or something! %|||?
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We're doing pretty ok! o7 Yeah, it would be nice to have some maturity around here, but... sometimes, being childlike is better than being adultlike. I think.
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