Title: Crimson: Part I - Blood and Pain
Author: scarlet_ivy
Rating: PG-13
Fandom: Naruto
Theme: #284 - Dawning upon a crimson ruin
Genre/s: Angst
Warning/s: death, angst
Words: 923
Summary: The ground was soaked in crimson. The colour of blood; of sin; of pain; of anger. The colour of the Sharingan.
Disclaimer: still don’t own anything
Note: Part I
http://scarlet-ivy.livejournal.com/4256.html is written in (younger) Sasuke’s POV, and Part II will be written in Itachi’s
Crimson: Part I - Blood and Pain
Gray clouds obscured the pale moonlight, but what little faint glow present was enough to light my way as I hurried back home. The way the clouds seemed to swallow the moon was slightly ominous, but I paid it no heed. The faint chill in the air made me shiver slightly in my thin shirt. The temperature was deceptive; one could hardly guess that spring was already halfway over. I guess the air just wanted to cling on to the cold of winter.
It was late; time just flew by when I trained. It took longer than I had thought to get the hang of shuriken-throwing, but I finally had it down. Throwing all ten shuriken at the same time at ten different targets and having them all hit dead-center and imbedded into the wood had been my goal, as aniki had mastered when he was six. I am one year behind, but I was sure that I could do whatever aniki could do with enough practice. I had been so proud when I finally did it, all of my equipment had been quickly packed away so that I could go home and tell aniki the progress I had made.
The pride and happiness of my accomplishment withered away however, as I stepped into the Uchiha District, replaced with growing revulsion and fear. It was a grotesque sight that met my eyes when I returned. Littering the ground were bodies twisted at unnatural angles; bodies with the faces of uncles, aunts, cousins, people that were alive this morning, that I had spoken to. People that were now dead. The fact that they were relatives, people that had been with me my whole life, every step of the way, made my stomach curl and bile rush to my throat. Their lifeless eyes were forever frozen in a look of surprise and horror, but to me they seemed accusing, as if it were my fault they were all dead (and I wasn’t).
The ground was soaked in crimson. The colour of blood; of sin; of pain; of anger. The colour of the Sharingan.
I gulped as I skirted carefully around the figures lying on the ground (I don’t think I can bring myself to call them ‘family’ anymore), all the while wondering where my aniki was. Surely he was strong enough to defeat the murderer, so where is he now? My mind refused to believe that he had been killed in this… this… bloodbath as well. I made my way to the main house, my house, reasoning that aniki would probably be there. He and my parents would tell me what was wrong and we would escape and tell the Hokage so that he can send ninjas to protect us. At least, that was what I hoped would happen.
As I neared my house, everything was still deathly silent. No sounds of skirmishes or a fight going on. There could be only two reasons for this. One, the murderer had been subdued or killed, and my parents and aniki are waiting in the main house for me to return; Two - and the reason that I feared was not true - my parents and aniki were dead, killed by the one, or many more, who had murdered the rest of the clan. No, I decided there was only one killer. Everyone had died in the same way: deep slashes by a blade that caused them to bleed dry, most dying slow and painful deaths.
The lights, I realized as I stepped into my house, were not turned on; here nor anywhere else. The feeling of unease and fear took a hold of my mind, because the only possible explanation for the lack of lights in my house, along with all the others, was that my parents and brother had been attacked while they were asleep, when their guards were down. Of course, they probably would have awoken -they were experienced shinobi, after all - but the chances of them living, I knew, were scarce. Especially when they were taken by surprise by someone extremely skilled. It had to be someone very powerful to have taken down the whole Uchiha clan by themselves. Many in the clan were competent shinobi, and the murderer had to be an expert at assassination to be able to kill so many trained ninjas.
I kept my guard on as I checked all of the rooms in the house. The killer might still be in the house, and I had to quiet to escape his grasps. The first floor was clear, and I started heading up the stairs to the second floor, where all of the bedrooms were located. The bathroom, two guest rooms, my room, and aniki’s room all had open doors and were empty of people. That only left my parents’ room.
The door to their room were closed, but swung open as my hand pushed it slightly. I choked back a scream as the sight of my parent’s lifeless, milky eyes stared into mine. A figure, hidden in the shadows but silhouette still visible, stood over them, the gleaming blade of a katana shining in what little moonlight that was there. The person who could only be the murderer shifted, and I caught a glimpse of his eyes. I gasped as the crimson red and black pinwheel of an unmistakable, but slightly different, Sharingan came into view. Father had said that he had obtained the new level of Sharingan, but I had never thought…
The murderer was none other than…
A/N: So overused… blahh… but it was the first thing that came to mind when I saw the theme.