Title: We're left in constant silence Pairing: Danny/Steve Rating: PG-13 Wordcount:1.5 K + Warnings: None Summary: Danny’s not talking to Steve. Things get tough. ( Read more... )
This is all kinds of gorgeous, I'll have you know. Everybody was so in character. Steve being so oblivious, and he has all these ~feelings and he needs to get them out and doesn't quite know how, so Kono has to shove him in the right direction, and Chin is there with an eyeroll and Danny is, well, he's /Danny/.
I loved this....I love the angst--which I am feeling this week waiting for the season finale and after seeing the previews for said finale. Keep writing!!
Aah yes, it's nearly over for you guys. Here in the UK we're on episode 14 so far I think, so I got a while till the end. BUT THANK YOU!! Your comment is love:-)
oh my, my. so nicely done. i absolutely adore clueless Steve and your Steve is perfect. oh, Danny. all sharp and fierce angles. again, absolutely, wonderfully perfect.
Comments 41
I loved this.
so nicely done. i absolutely adore clueless Steve and your Steve is perfect.
oh, Danny. all sharp and fierce angles. again, absolutely, wonderfully perfect.
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