I should refrain from using language that reinforces women's inferior status in society like that. These are my thoughts after a weekend surrounded by fags I mean, queer activists.
Speaking of the conference, it went really well and you're a sucker if you missed it and you're a rockstar if you didn't =D fairmaidenkate and I have been dubbed
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Agnostic love.A 10-minute video that's totally worth watching, if not only for the calm and reasoned narration, then for the hilarious juxtaposition of the visuals with said narration
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I just really like this. Especially the Buddhists being like, "Um, no that's cool, you keep it. Thanks though." Something about the entire situation just seems a little... misguided? In a cute way. Like a kitten trying to figure out a glass door. They just keep pawing at it... but seriously, at first I had to check and make sure this wasn't an
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You guys, you guys should come to that conference I've been talking about. I sent some of you a facebook invitation with a generic message, and I apologize for that - you deserve better, my friends. You deserve GLITTER.
Yeah, that's her stuck between the sliding glass door and the screen door again. Well, I mean, same instance. Just more awesome glowy eyes. DEMON EYES.