One topic I've been meaning to post about for some time pertains to an excellent graphic novel. There is a certain naivety regarding this post as I've only really been aware of "Watchmen" for a short while
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At some point in my previous posts I believe I mentioned how I forfeited my right to claim the title "Nerd". I now realise that I can not lose that title, for my heart, soul, will and hopes all lie with Dale Lee Underdahl and will remain with always
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Apparently I didn't win the innernetz recently when I missed the whole "J.J. Abrams did a tasty internet dump". As I haven't seen it anywhere on LJ so far, I'm guessing either some of you missed it or you're all conspiring against me. Either way, I'm posting a link to perhaps the best trailer of the year. Enough with the hyperbole, on with the link
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For your viewing please, watch the following. It's not all necessary: I recommend missing the middle third or so, but otherwise it one of those: "Fuck yeah, people can make life totally awesome!" moments.
Ok, so I do my darnedest to avoid getting hooked by marketing ploys but this one was too difficult to resist.
Over at The Simpsons Movie website you can design a Simpsons-esque character. My ego is too vain (and my id too shy to express original thought) to allow for any outcome other than a caricature of yours truly
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