in seriousness scorch, i just like having fun with you. really, you might be a good football player or something, but from what i've been able to observe, the internet just isn't your thing, and you've been trying to fit in for ages, only to be rejected from everywhere.
everyone has a place to fit in. why do you keep trying to trick yourself into thinking yours is the zzt/mzx communities?
Well, the problem with Burstroc is that it's Fire-elemental, so it's nigh useless on Motavia (extremely useful on Dezolis, tho!), Wren gets a much more powerful Skill (Posibolt), and like most android Skills, Burstroc is easy to miss.
Oh. Oh, you meant the MZXer Burstroc. Sorry, Scorch, can't help there. (^^;
Comments 8
everyone has a place to fit in. why do you keep trying to trick yourself into thinking yours is the zzt/mzx communities?
Oh. Oh, you meant the MZXer Burstroc. Sorry, Scorch, can't help there. (^^;
Anyhow, i've stoped this Anti Burstroc crap, it's cool.
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