His fur looks like it calls to be stroked. Soft and lush. What is his breed? We have two dogs that size. Blax Montgomery is a 60 lbs rott weiller/hound and Emma Justine is a 55 lb gazelle. She is so graceful and athletic. She's a doberman/weimaraner. Then of course there's our 15 lb min pin Reese henry and Abigail Desdemona our 10 lb princess shihtzu. (and 2 cats: Olivia Aiyana and Lillian Camille. And just to be a smarty pants, I add : and a 160 lb. Alzheimer aka Vernon.
It is definitely lush and plush. We think he's part Elkhound and German Shepherd because it's so thick and rich and chocolate. We really ought to be living on the tundra somewhere for his personal comfort but he's such a nice guy that he puts up with my vow to never live where there's serious snow again in my life.
Comments 3
What is his breed?
We have two dogs that size.
Blax Montgomery is a 60 lbs rott weiller/hound and Emma Justine is a 55 lb gazelle. She is so graceful and athletic. She's a doberman/weimaraner.
Then of course there's our 15 lb min pin Reese henry and Abigail Desdemona our 10 lb princess shihtzu.
(and 2 cats: Olivia Aiyana and Lillian Camille.
And just to be a smarty pants, I add : and a 160 lb. Alzheimer aka Vernon.
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