Wow I have missed out on so much of livejournal... now all it is is facebook and Myspace.But Im back to my roots, back to the original. I will see you all again soon but for know I am off to bed.
Hey Everyone! I am doing a project for School and I need some good pictures of things that have reflection. Like mirror images, and such...So if anyone could help that would be great!!!! Especially the Sexy Beast that is Chris Lazo! You take excellent photos and I would love it if you could sen me some pictures that would rock my socks! I love you
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Hey so yeah sorry for all of the cool quiz's today, I have not been able to update as of late, wow this rap is really great, oh wait I have to do a shout out, so don't pout if your left out, your still cool but your just a sucka foo
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Superhero Name The Scotsman Super Power: Incredible Stamina Enemy: Clear Channel Mode Of Transportation: Giant Hamster Named Skippy Weapon: a herd of goats
solid black;'>You areLaFawnduhYour future career isBeing a professional loser. GEEZ.Quote that sums up your life"I'm pretty good with a bowstaff."Overall coolness factor: 96%Quiz created with MemeGen!
Hey Everyone... It's friday and I am in Yearbook again...doing absolutely nothing! Yeah. ( sorry if my update suddenly stops it means Carson Saw me and I am in trouble...) anyways, So Sam and I are here having a blast. This week was cool, because my report card came and I got 5 B's and 1A yes Liscence here I come in 30 days... Surfing today after
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