hmm. so today was pretty boring. we went to Target twice. i got a yoda shirt and this jacket thing. i got sims 2 for haunkkah but of course it doesnt work on my computer! gr!! anything i also got the little sweater i wanted and some other stuff. lets see what i get tonight. =)
oh yea i got life as we know it too. i want one tree hill!
hey guys i finally picked a new layout. its cute. yea so yesterday was Stevens barmitzvah, it was alrite. bla. um this summer is really boring i need to have some fun mom says we might go to the beach tuesday
MY BRACKET BROKE! mna im mad
i have no life and im really bored. i need to do something exciting!
guys i really think we should start up our JWOC community! make it pretty and update there. we should also make it available to other people tjhat have good friends like ours and have to seperate from them and then we'll have a really good community! please....