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Comments 8

angelascats November 25 2009, 23:25:51 UTC
I am a seriously creepy weirdo. Friend me?

Okay, really though, I have gotten into the Office fanfic like crazy, especially, Andy/Oscar. I also love more unconventional pairings, but there really isn't enough of A/O, in my opinion. But anyway can I make a request or two? If it's too soon, let me know! I just love requesting mwahahaha.
1. David Wallace/Oscar
2. Andy/Oscar (Andy calls Oscar's name out while in bed with Erin.)


scrantonscribe November 26 2009, 18:50:49 UTC
Consider yourself friended.

Oh, yes, Andy/Oscar is lovely, isn't it? Thanks for the requests, too; I have quite a few projects going right now, but I'll keep them in mind.


angelascats November 26 2009, 21:12:26 UTC
Thank you!


petite_piaf January 12 2010, 06:47:25 UTC
Fellow The Office fan! I have nobody to talk to about the show... Can we be friends? My LJ is empty only because it's new, don't be scared ;)


scrantonscribe January 13 2010, 22:05:43 UTC
Sounds great! I always like making new Office friends.

I love your journal layout, by the way. Did you make it?


awils1 February 7 2010, 03:48:16 UTC
Not a weirdo!

Just interested in that slightly slashy Dwight/Jim banner you've got :P.


scrantonscribe February 8 2010, 16:06:16 UTC
Thanks! It's the first banner I ever made, so, you know, not really my best work. :P Still, I kind of love the caps and the episode they came from.


pickinguproses August 30 2015, 18:31:16 UTC
Can I be friended? I miss Office fandom (and fic) and I want to peruse and reminisce. Oh, and definitely not creepy. ;)


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