Title: It's Been One Week
Author: SCWLC
Email: scwlc@yahoo.ca
Disclaimer: I own squat. Zip. Zilch. Nada.
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Buffy has a really bad week. Demons, apocalypse, bad hair. Angel.
Challenge: Trinity Last's # 4 Challenge which is at the end of the fic.
Spoilers: This is in Season four, right after "Something Blue", right before "Hero."
Distribution: Whoever wants this may take it with my blessing as long as they tell me what they're doing
Feedback: It all goes to scwlc@yahoo.ca
Author's Notes: The song Xander starts to sing is by Lewis Huey And The News, "If This is it." The Sanyo mentioned is real, my Dad used to own one. As for the crossover element, there was a show many years ago called, "The Polka Dot Door." It was a children's show which starred a man and a woman, who changed from episode to episode, and a large green thing with an orange-yellow polka-dotted dress-thing, that was called Polkaroo. Polkaroo was actually played by the man every time, and so he `missed' Polkaroo every episode. It was a running joke for the children in the audience. There were also four stuffed toys, Humpty, Dumpty, Marigold and Bear. I've tried to recapture the method of address used in the show for these toys. The songs are also taken from the show. One is the show's theme song, the other is one the woman would sing to Polkaroo before he left.
AN2: Things in asterisks (*...*) are emphasis, things in double slashes (//...//) are thoughts.
Most of the time a week is pretty much neutral. People have bad days, but they don't have bad weeks very often. Unless, of course, it's part of an overall bad year but that's something else entirely. This was a week that could be termed `bad'. It all just depends on your perspective.
Day One:
Buffy woke up at seven on a Sunday morning, an ungodly hour if ever there was one, when Willow decided to squeal at the top of her lungs in joy over her new job. Before the Slayer could go back to sleep she was pounced upon by the enthusiastic redhead who shrieked, "Buffy! I got the job! I'm gonna be spending the next week helping set up the new computer exhibit at the museum! Eeeeee!"
Rolling over and pulling her pillow over her head, Buffy replied, "Great for you. Go away and let me sleep." This naturally, due to both exhaustion and the pillow, came out as, "Grfrmm. Gwa'n lmme slp." She then proceeded to roll her covers around her further which resulted in a quilt-patterned worm with a Slayer at the centre.
"You promised you'd help me," Willow pouted at her. It didn't have the desired results so she switched to her resolve face and went to yank the covers off her friend. This would have worked but for the fact that Buffy had super strength on her side and so all that happened was that both Slayer and bedclothes came tumbling to the floor with a loud crack resounding as Buffy's head struck her bedside table on the way down.
"Omigod!" Willow dove to her knees next to Buffy and helped her out of the offending covers to find a cut and bump already forming over her right eye and and a sprained wrist. "Omigod, Buffy, I'm so *so* sorry!"
"Ow." Buffy glared at Willow as a tiny trickle of blood emerged from the cut. "You had to get me up at seven on a Sunday morning why?"
Willow sheepishly busied herself with the first aid kit as she taped the cut closed and got some of that cooling goop for the bump. "Well you did promise to help and I have to be there at eight so . . ." she trailed off while treating Buffy's wounds.
"You said nothing about getting up at seven on Sunday," Buffy retorted. "If I'd known it involved wrongness like this I would never have offered to help carry stuff." She settled down to look pathetic and helpless and injured on the floor while Willow finished wrapping up her wrist and putting cooling goop on her bump.
Willow took one look at Buffy and saw through what she was trying. "You're the Slayer. You'll be fine by the time we get to the museum." Buffy pouted and tried rolling the covers into a cocoon again, but was stopped by Willow throwing a cup of cold water on her.
This meant Buffy then had to also lay out her bedclothes to dry since a fair amount of water was on the quilt and sheets, and so she didn't have time to fix her hair properly. When they left for the museum, they passed Riley on his way to somewhere else and he didn't even give Buffy a glance, never mind the usual lengthy stare. By the time they reached the museum Buffy had been mocked by several of her old classmates and Willow had gotten more positive male attention than Buffy. To say the Slayer was cranky was an understatement.
Things seemed to be looking up when a stunningly gorgeous guy came up to them when they came in. The little up of eye candy became a massive down when it turned out he was both a geek and dating Aphrodesia and Aura, two of the most pestilent Cordettes from Sunnydale High. Buffy spent her day listening to Willow and Bob (who called themselves `Bob' anyway?) do the computer nerd geek-speak thing, and being hit on by someone with the bad taste to tell every single bad dirty joke ever written and date two of the dumbest, most irritating girls Buffy had ever known.
That was her morning and afternoon. The evening was spent doing the homework she'd been putting off and patrolling. Since it was done at the same time Buffy wound up being stabbed with her pen repeatedly. It really sucked. She crawled into bed at one in the morning and found herself hearing Celine Dion singing `My Heart Will Go On' through the walls.
She was awake until three.
Day Two:
Monday started with a literal bang for Buffy as she fell out of bed and smacked her head on her bedside table again. "Ow."
"Buffy? Are you okay?" Willow asked, leaning over the side of her bed. In response the Slayer simply glared at her friend. "I'll take that as a no."
She whined at Willow and got up. Amazingly, today was the day that the dorm showers were out of hot water, and Buffy ran out of both conditioner and gel. She went to class cold and frizzy and discovered that she had forgotten to do a significant portion of the homework due in class. The professor decided to make an example of her. "There are certain things which are required to get a good mark in this class. One of these things is being here to learn and participate. Miss Summers clearly understands this." He smiled at her condescendingly before clasping his hands behind his back and pacing around her. "What she does not seem to understand is that in order to evaluate how well she had absorbed the information dispensed here I must have work to grade. Without this work all I can do for her is offer her my gems of wisdom. This does not guarantee an education."
Buffy finally escaped his class at lunchtime only to discover that her favourite cafeteria was closed because rats had been found in the room and they had to fumigate. She was forced to eat elsewhere, and that meant arriving after all the good food was gone. A wilted salad and a tuna sandwich (she hated tuna with a passion bordering on mania) later she was on her way to her psych class.
Riley was there and he was chatting up some pretty little brunette thing with legs up the wazoo and her boobs hanging out of what appeared to be a handkerchief tied around her chest. The TA's gaze was concentrated on the red chequered pattern of the handkerchief and he didn't even acknowledge the existence of the frizzed and cranky blonde Slayer. Buffy huffed to her seat and tripped along the way. Her pride more than anything else was hurt when no one noticed that she had fallen back down the stairs again. Not even Willow who was flirting outrageously with an Asian behind her.
Buffy made it to a seat since her so-called best friend hadn't remembered to save her one, and discovered they had a test she had forgotten to study for. Naturally she B-S'd her way through. But she was pretty darned certain she'd failed.
After Psych she and Willow had to head to Giles' place. They'd promised, and even though Buffy just wanted to have a chocolatefest all by herself, Buffy and Willow trotted out to the ex-watcher's apartment. Angel was waiting there with Cordelia and that Doyle guy. Not that she noticed the other two.
Angel was there. He was there wearing a pair of black slacks and a beautiful black sweater and one of his long leather jackets. He looked so sexy, and as Buffy came in, running on autopilot from the moment she entered the room he took off the coat to reveal the pants hugged his thighs and butt so perfectly she could feel her drool glands going into overdrive.
Then he turned around and Buffy was floored again by the passion and love and worship and depth that came flowing out of his dark chocolate eyes. It was like drowning in a sea of Swiss dark chocolate. Or maybe Belgian. Whichever was better. Just so thick and rich and bittersweet. His hair, coiffed into those beautiful spikes that made her want to play with it so much, was a gorgeous contrast to his alabaster-like skin, his eyes and hair making his skin seem luminescent in comparison.
All this was taken in in the few moments it took for her to trip over her own feet and hit the floor in an ungraceful heap. It aggravated her previous injuries from falling and she found herself babbling as Angel helped her to the couch. He was solicitous and she could barely keep herself from diving at him and pleading with him to take her
right then.
"I am *so* clumsy today! I mean, I've been falling down all day and it really sucks. It's done bad things to my hair too, although the fact that I have no conditioner or gel doesn't help," //Shut up shut up shut up shut up!// she thought. It did no good. "Angel you look really h- good. Great really! Cordy, how are you? How's the acting career coming? And Boyle-"
"Doyle," the Irishman put in.
"Sorry, Doyle. Right. Doyle. I know how annoying it can get when people don't get your name right. God knows the number of times someone has called me Bunny." Finally her brain connected back to her mouth. "I was babbling. Sorry. What brings you guys to Sunnydale?"
The funny looks gradually went away as Doyle explained his vision of a demon that was scheduled to appear in Sunnydale soon. He only knew it had large splotches, or something, all over its body and it was associated with a song. He didn't know the words, but he hummed the tune he'd heard and they started to research.
Buffy tried. Really she did. But Angel was sitting next to her and she couldn't help herself as she kept looking at him. He looked really scrumptious in his black pants and sweater and all Buffy wanted to do was kiss him. It was torment. He kept catching her looking at him and he didn't seem to notice at all that she was trying not to jump his bones. Finally Buffy had enough and said, "I'm having no luck here. I'm gonna go and patrol. See if something comes up."
Giles frowned slightly, but all he said was, "Do be careful Buffy. We don't know what we're dealing with."
She gave them all a jaunty wave, ignoring the way Angel was looking at her like he could devour her, and took off with a cheerful, "You guys know me!"
It was a lie of course. Buffy bypassed anywhere that might provide her with slayage on her way back to her dorms. She was heading for a chocolate pigout and self-pity-fest. She marched up the stairs to her room with purpose, opened the door, and found her mother eating *her* chocolate. And clearly meaning to take the rest of it with her. "Mom? What are you doing?"
Joyce whipped around and started to speak. "'M mrrng rr yllt," she said. Buffy raised an eyebrow as her mother smiled and tried again. "I'm borrowing your chocolate. I have a friend over and we wanted chocolate but the stores are closed. I promise I'll pay you back." She smiled at her daughter, but Buffy was simply looking blank. A tad
annoyed, it was her chocolate and she needed it. That day of all days especially. But for the most part she was trying to figure out why her normally levelheaded mother needed chocolate for her friend so badly she was raiding her daughter's fridge.
Joyce bit her lip and sat down, gesturing for Buffy to do so as well. Buffy's eyes widened as she saw how serious her mother was being and began to worry. "Mom? What's wrong?"
"Well," Joyce began, "I haven't been entirely honest with you about several things. The reason I want the chocolate is kinda related to that." Buffy was back to being confused and irritated about the chocolate. "I think you're old enough now to hear the truth and be able to cope with it."
Buffy's eyes widened again. Revelations and no chocolate? She didn't need this. She was flunking all her classes, she had to help Willow with that stupid exhibit again tomorrow, she'd made a complete fool of herself in front of many other people, she looked like a freak, there was an apocalypse on the way that no one knew anything about
other than dots and an irritating tune, and Angel was in Sunnydale giving Buffy lusty wrong thoughts. She had no need of deep personal revelations and she did have need of chocolate. Unfortunately she seemed to be getting the former and not the latter.
"It has to do with why your father and I divorced." Oh this kept getting better. "I fell in love with someone else. When I did that, I finally found out why I'd always felt something was wrong with my marriage. I didn't want to tell you because I thought it might be too much for you to handle." Joyce was now fidgeting with Buffy's candy and Buffy was trying not to be a brat and take it back. Her mother took a deep breath and continued. "All those business trips I've been going on? They're actually all the times Kim and I got together."
Buffy put together the missing pieces. "So Kim is in town finally and you guys are having a romantic evening for two," she said. Joyce nodded and Buffy continued, "Well as long as he doesn't try to get me to call him `Dad' or anything-"
"Honey?" Joyce looked doubly nervous and Buffy wondered what else could be in store for her. She didn't want to think of her mother having a romantic evening with anyone. It was just *icky*. "Kim is a short for Kimberly Johanssen. I'm . . . I'm a lesbian sweetie."
Buffy felt the room spin slightly. "You divorced Dad because you're gay," she said flatly. Trying to process that information while her mother had all the chocolate was too much. While Buffy tried to come to grips with this shift of her world's paradigm her mother quietly slipped out. With the chocolate.
Day Three:
Buffy's morning started with no shower because the plumbing was broken, frizzy unmanageable hair because her mousse and gel were gone, and a breakfast consisting of one stale croissant because the delivery truck for the cafeteria broke down. This was followed by a trip to the museum to help with Willow's work at the computer exhibit. There were giant punch card beasts, really big calculators, and cries of, "It's a Radio Shack brand PC!"
"Really? That's so awesome! Is it programmed in C or Basic?"
Then she had class. It was history which meant she had to stay awake after her long night where she couldn't sleep as she tried to deal with the fact that her mother was having an affair with another woman. And an apocalypse was coming. And Angel was in Giles' home with Cordelia and Anya who were both trying to pick him up. "Urgh!" she said to herself. It naturally landed in the silence between the end of the video on prehistoric people and the beginning of the professor's lecture. The whole class turned to stare and Buffy realised that there were, indeed, times when she wished the Hellmouth would open and swallow her.
Escape from class brought her back to the cafeteria where the only food available was stale tuna sandwiches. Buffy skipped lunch even though she was starving and went back to help Willow. They worked a while longer and then they carried home a computer Willow would have to do some work on. The Sanyo MBC-555-2 IBM Compatible was placed on Willow's desk and then the girls left to help with the research.
As they arrived at Giles' Cordelia started to speak. "If this is it-"
She was interrupted as Xander chose that moment to exercise his vocal artistry. "Please let me know/ If this ain't love you better let me go/ If this is it-"
"Xander. Shut up now," Anya demanded helpfully. "If you don't I will be extremely turned off and I won't give you any orgasms for a long time." He was immediately silenced and everyone turned to business.
"You were saying Cordelia?" Giles asked politely.
She huffed at Xander before retuning her attention to the room at large. "I was about to say that if this is it for info on this demon and stuff, we're screwed."
Willow offered hesitantly, "Well, I could do a spell and-"
"NO!" the others chorused at her. "Willow," Giles continued, "Don't you think you've done enough with your spells for the time being?"
Willow winced. "Okay, I admit that was bad, but-"
"I was engaged to Spike," Buffy said flatly.
Angel's eyes widened. "You were engaged to Spike?!" He launched off the sofa where he'd been researching to grab her. "I left so that you could find someone normal! Not so that you could get it on with a vampire!" He was utterly furious.
"Excuse me!" She broke away and stormed across the room to glare at him from the other side. It was because she was angry with him. Not because when he was that close all she could think about was kissing him and other lusty things like . . . No! She was angry. "Did you miss the part where I was under a spell?"
Angel glared briefly then said sulkily, "As long as it was only a spell." There was a long pause during which everyone began to resettle uncomfortable around the room. Then he demanded, "Was that blonde Riley-guy because of a spell too?"
Buffy snorted in disgust and stormed off. She had to go kill something. It was after she'd found one slime demon and two vampires that Angel found her. It was just so perfect. She was covered in slime which was caked with vampire dust. She was grumping her way to her mother's, where the nearest shower was, and bemoaning the sad
state of another ruined outfit when she nearly ran into Angel. "Hi," she said. //You did *not* just say `hi',// she thought to herself.
"Hey," he replied awkwardly. "Look. I think we need to talk."
She turned and began to walk. "Then we'll have to talk on my way to a shower because this is too gross to spend a lot of time this way." He easily fell into step beside her and Buffy was carried back to the days when he had been her partner and constant companion. "What do you want to talk about?"
"Us," he said.
She paused and turned to blink at him, baffled. "There is no us. You made sure of that," she said. Not bitterly, not angrily, just confused.
"There will always be an `us'," he replied. "What form it takes is anyone's guess, but we will always have a relationship of something other than friendship." He sighed and they continued on. "What I'm trying to say is that I'm sorry I reacted that way-"
She snorted. "Darn tootin'."
He gave her an annoyed look. "Do you mind? I'm trying to apologise and you're not making it easy."
"I didn't realise I was supposed to," she grinned at him. Then she sobered. "I probably could have made this easier too. It's just that it's so hard to be so close and . . ."
"Not," he finished.
They walked the rest of the way in companionable silence. For anything they could have been a couple on their way home after a date. Except for the slime and vamp dust that was transferred by their closeness that is. Buffy was just about to close the door behind her when Angel said softly, "Buffy?"
"Yes?" She turned, silhouetted in the doorway, and looked at him standing in the shadows of her front lawn.
"You still my girl?" he asked, getting an answering smile from the Slayer.
Buffy went inside and up the stairs with a smile on her face until she realised she had passed the critical point with the slime and dust. Now she was going to have to chip it off before she even tried washing. She quietly cursed Angel's romanticness. It was his fault she was going to suffer a broken heart when he left all over again and she was going to be getting the gunk out of her hair for days.
Day Four:
Buffy woke up, finally at a decent hour. She looked up to see Willow had turned on the computer she'd brought back. A Sanyo something-or-other. Words had come up on the screen and Buffy stared at them for a moment, confused. Trying to understand better she read them aloud from the screen. "How'd you do, Polkaroo? How are you, Polkaroo? What d'ya say, Polkaroo? Polkaroo." For a moment nothing happened but Buffy's confused stare at the computer. Suddenly everything went all fuzzy.
When Willow came back she found Buffy sitting cross-legged on her bed, playing with Mr. Gordo. "Morning Buffy," she said cheerily, "You enjoying a good talk with Mr. Gordo?"
Buffy looked up, her smile eerily happy and she replied, "Oh we're having lots of fun! Aren't we Mr. Gordo?"
"Okay, I don't know what's up, but this is a really weird joke Buffy," Willow said reprovingly at her friend.
"I didn't make a joke. Did you Mr. Gordo?" Buffy leaned over the plush pig and appeared to be listening. "Mr. Gordo says he didn't make a joke either."
Glaring at the Slayer Willow said, "This wasn't funny to start and it's really getting freaky now Buffy. Cut it out." As she watched, Buffy happily bounced the pig down the sheets.
She then quietly consulted the toy and said, "Mr. Gordo and I don't think it's very nice of you to say I'm being freaky."
Willow turned off the computer and dragged Buffy, still in her pyjamas, to Giles'. Buffy was very confused and a little hurt by the way her friend was ignoring Mr. Gordo. After all, he was a very close friend. When they got to Giles' Willow began to talk quickly to the others, but she was using all kinds of words. Some of them were mean
and some were very long and Buffy wasn't quite sure what she was saying.
So she ignored them all since that was what you were supposed to do with bullies and continued to talk and listen to Mr. Gordo. He had a clever plan to make a friend of his drop by. They were going to need several ingredients. Another two friends, one of the big moving people and one of the stuffed non-moving ones, and a big circle with a star in the middle painted in blood. Mr. Gordo also said they needed to sing two songs to make his friend come, but he'd teach them to her and her new friend.
Buffy sat down making her list of things she needed to do, written in a special code Mr. Gordo had taught her, when Angel came and knelt beside her. He was very sad and Buffy wanted to reassure him there was nothing to be sad about. Mr. Gordo said that everything would be better when his friend came, but he wanted it to be a surprise. So
Buffy settled for saying, "Angel, don't be all sad. If it will make you feel better I can give you a hug."
He looked at her and seemed to get sadder. "I don't think this will be fixed with a hug."
She spent the rest of the day trying to make Angel feel better and planning with Mr. Gordo. It seemed as though her talking to Mr. Gordo made Angel sadder so she tried to bring him into the conversation. Unfortunately, it turned out that Angel couldn't hear Mr. Gordo. Buffy thought he was jealous. Mr. Gordo assured her that it would all be fixed when his special friend arrived.
Day Five:
Buffy had spent the night and the morning with Giles and had tried to find herself a couple more friends so that Mr. Gordo's other friend could come over. She hadn't had any luck at all, because all her friends wouldn't talk to her. Angel would, so Buffy tried to get him to understand. Without being able to talk about Mr. Gordo's friend though, it was hard.
Willow arrived with the computer in tow. She said something about needing to do some kind of program on it, but Buffy was interested in the fact that the computer had introduced her to Mr. Gordo. Maybe it would do the same for someone else. When Spike arrived, weeping over Drusilla's old doll Miss Edith, Buffy knew what to do.
She went and turned on the computer and put in the right floppy. Then she waved Spike over. "Try reading it aloud," she said, "It's really cool."
Spike read the short poem over, looked at the Slayer funny, then decided to go ahead. As he started reading aloud, the whole room turned to stare in utter bafflement. "How'd you do, Polkaroo? How are you, Polkaroo? What d'ya say, Polkaroo? Polkaroo." Buffy watched eagerly as Spike slowly raised Miss Edith to his ear. "No Miss Edith, I didn't know that."
The room erupted into chaos, but Buffy was paying very little attention because she had just found the other two friends she would need to get Mr. Gordo's friend to come over. Buffy showed Spike the list, and the two settled back down to planning what they were going to do. Mr. Gordo told her she should listen to the others so that she would be able to figure out the best way to surprise them with his, and coincidentally, Miss Edith's friend.
As Buffy began to focus again, she realised the others had been arguing. "Giles, it has to be a spell!" Willow shouted.
"I see. Well, actually, I don't, because, oh, that's right . . . I'm BLIND!" Giles snarled at her. Buffy noted that he looked really angry at the moment, but Miss Edith and Mr. Gordo promised he'd stop after their friend came.
Willow looked hurt, "That was low Giles."
"Yes, well if you weren't such a little fool you would see that it was the computer that caused this." He moved in very close and said softly, "If one of your bloody machines has hurt my slayer I will put you through every torment I can possibly conceive."
Doyle had been staying in the background, but now he stepped into the fray. "Okay, easy there. After all, we still have an apocalypse to research, and all we have are spots and a tune." He then hummed the tune. His statement broke the deadlock and the others began to talk about solutions again.
Buffy ignored all this because she had a solution to where they were going to get the blood and what one of the songs they would need to call their new friend was. She proceeded to tell Spike the plan, and then taught him the first song. Together they quietly sang.
//How'd you do, Polkaroo?
How are you, Polkaroo?
What d'ya say, Polkaroo?
Day Six:
It was about one o'clock in the morning when Slayer and vampire finally escaped with a couple jars of blood from the fridge. Mr. Gordo and Miss Edith had to paint the circle and star so all Buffy and Spike could do was help them and wait. Finally they were done and Miss Edith and Mr. Gordo finally taught Buffy and Spike the other song they would have to sing. When they had learned it the two sat down at opposite each other across the circle and began the first song.
//Polka Dot Door, the Polka Dot Door,
Welcome to the Polka Dot Door
With songs and stories and so much more
Doo doo-doo doo-doo doo
At the Polka Dot Door!//
The circle glowed and they heard a distant cry as a creature wearing an orange polkadotted dress, with green furry skin and huge eyes slowly appeared in the circle's centre. The cry sounded again, this time clearer. "Polkaroo!" it cried. Spike stepped forward, prompted by Miss Edith, and crossed into the circle. There was a flash and suddenly the creature, Mr. Gordo reassured Buffy it *was* his friend, looked much more solid.
Buffy was barely aware of her friends arriving to look in horror at the monstrosity before them. She was looking around wildly for Spike. "Where's Spike?" she asked Mr. Gordo and Miss Edith. "He'll miss seeing Polkaroo!"
"Polkaroo!" it shouted and waved its arms.
Buffy didn't know what to do, Polkaroo had arrived but her friends didn't look happy, they looked angry and scared. She turned to Mr. Gordo. "What do I do?" Her piggy explained that she needed to sing the other song. When the other song was done everything would be okay. So Buffy started to sing. "How'd you do, Polkaroo?"
Polkaroo now looked completely solid and turned to approach her.
"How are you, Polkaroo?" she continued.
It began to press against the barrier keeping it from crossing into the world.
"What d'ya say, Polkaroo?"
Angel called, "Buffy! No!" as he tackled her to the ground. They went skidding away and everything went dark. Before the world vanished she thought she heard a poofing noise and a final cry of "Polkaroo!"
Day Seven:
Buffy woke up in the hospital, confused and with the feeling she had just spent the past two days in a children's television show. The others explained that she had been possessed by the demon Polkaroo. It created its cult by appearing very harmless and had a strong following in Canada for several years. It had been banished and had tried to return to the human dimension when Buffy had accidentally created her connection to it by reciting the poem out loud.
Spike had become an avatar for the demon. For some reason it was unable to use anyone but its male followers and they had been forced to kill the vampire to prevent the demon from appearing. Its appearance also apparently meant that the world would be sucked into Hell because the ritual opened a gateway directly to the demon dimension. The reason it was never used was because to do the ritual you had to be a follower of Polkaroo's and so few demons wanted to look that stupid they just didn't.
Angel had stopped her from finishing the ritual by knocking her out. It was why she was in the hospital. It seemed he had given her a serious concussion when he tackled her. She was lucky, in that she hadn't been a true follower of Polkaroo but just someone who was put under a spell. When Polkaroo had been killed she was freed from acting like a dork.
There seemed to be something else, but the others said it would have to wait. It was up to Angel for some reason to tell her. She was waiting in utter boredom when he showed up. He was skulking in the shadows by the door. "Hey. How are you," he asked.
"I've had the week from Hell and now I'm in the hospital thanks to my ex-boyfriend. Did you know my mother is gay? Other than that, just peachy," she replied sardonically.
He raised an eyebrow and stepped into the room. The sunlit room. Angel was in the sun. "I have something I want to tell you," he said softly. Buffy made a couple noises which, after a moment's consideration, Angel took to be assent. "When I knocked you out, I fell partly into the circle. At the same time, Doyle staked Polkaroo. My demon got sucked into the demon dimension when the portal closed."
Buffy's eyes were full of tears as Angel took her hand. "What does this mean, exactly?"
"It means I'm human. Human, but there were some side effects of having a demon in me for so long. I still heal quickly and I'm strong enough to help you fight. If you want-" He didn't get to finish because Buffy had thrown herself at him and they were kissing. They kept on kissing when Riley showed up with flowers, and Joyce appeared with chocolate to make up for the stuff she'd borrowed from her daughter.
You see what I mean about perspective. What would your call be? Good week or bad?
The End
The Challenge:
1) The death of a main character - they don't have to stay dead*
2) An obsolete computer causing an apocalyptic problem, literally.*
3) A crossover with a show no one would ever expect - please include a link or explanation*
4) Set in Season Four, I don't care when, but you can't use the Initiative for anything major. *
5) Someone saying "I see. Well, actually, I don't, because, oh, that's right . . . I'm BLIND!"*
6) One gay couple. Male or female, doesn't matter which - NOT Willow, but a main character*
7) Joyce going on a chocolate binge and raiding Buffy's dorm room fridge*
8) Giles going Ripper on someone's face*
9) Xander hearing someone say "If this is it..." and bursting into song *
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