Buffy the Vampire Slayer Fic

Dec 30, 2025 23:59

Giles centred stories:

Watcher -- Did you ever wonder why Giles did choose to become a watcher after the Eyghon incident in university? My take on it.
Rating: G

Foundations-- I just had to write this little introspective piece about why Giles left Sunnydale the second time.
Rating: G

Less Buffy/Angel centric stories:

A New Man: An Interlude -- What happened after Walsh asked how many vampires Buffy had killed.
Rating: PG just to be safe.

Revelations -- Buffy has one at the end of Season 4.
Rating: PG just to be safe.

When Did That Happen? -- Chaos happens when everyone in Sunnydale starts to physically flashback to time when they were turned into somthing paranormal (kinda). Anything else gives it away.
Rating: PG

There's No Getting Around It, Costumes Are Evil -- The Scooby gang goes back in time. It’s a story trapped in an AU post S2 world.
Rating: G

Less Buffy/Angel Centric Songfics:

Hunter -- “I want to be a hunter again . . . “
Rating: PG

Reflections -- A couple years down the road Buffy reflects on her life. Angsty.
Rating: PG-13

B/A Challenges:

Not Even Death -- This is based on challenge #11 on Kelley Rowe’s site, ‘Welcome to Always’. Basically, Buffy winds up in another body after she jumps off the tower in S5. Not quite a songfic.
Rating: PG to PG-13

Angelic Error -- There’s been a mistake or two made, and someone’s gotta fix ‘em.
Rating: G

Nightmares: A B/A Rewrite -- It's one of the ways Nightmares could have turned out if the writers had decided to involve Angel.
Rating: PG

It's Been One Week -- Buffy has a really bad week. Demons, apocalypse, bad hair. Angel.
Rating: PG

The More Things Change 1 2 -- Buffy moved away from Sunnydale before her 17th birthday to live with her dad. They move to Washington and she looses contact with the gang. Ten years later Buffy is an agent with the FBI and is assigned to a case in Sunnydale.
Rating: R

B/A fics:

And the Truth Shall Set You Free -- Two truth spells lead to a reunion.
Rating: PG, just in case.

The Skate 1 2 -- It's my first AU. Buffy's a skater, Angel's a skater, Darla's jealous. Despite all my efforts to the contrary Riley turned into a moron.
Rating: PG-13

The Skate 2 1 2 -- There were requests for a sequel to the first figure skating story and I was (somewhat) inspired so this is what happened between the end and the epilogue of the first story. Also, there is a glossary of figure skating terms at the end for those who want to have some idea what the hell a split triple twist is. No, it has nothing to do with ice cream.
Rating: PG-13, maybe a low R.

Dreams Can Come True (Or Angelic Error Version 2.0) -- Sometimes all that’s needed is to fix a few mistakes.
Rating: PG-13

Books, Bookings and Blondes 1 2 3 -- This is my rewrite of S6 that turned into an AU immediate future fiction.
Rating: PG-13

Darkness Quadralogy:

Heart of Darkness -- Oh look! I did another story set around a song. Buffy’s musings set to “The Mystic’s Dream” by Loreena McKennitt. It’s not what you think either.
Rating: PG

Light in the Darkness -- A sort of sequel to ‘Heart of Darkness’. It can stand alone, but it’s set in the same universe as that one. Songfic done to Loreena McKennitt’s ‘All Souls’ Night’
Rating: PG

Through the Darkness -- This is the third of what I’m calling my ‘Darkness Series’. It’s a sort of sequel to “Light in the Darkness” and “Heart of Darkness” Pretty much B/A. This one is done to Loreena McKennitt’s “Night Ride Across The Caucasus”.
Rating: PG

Darkness Revisited -- That last of my so-called “Darkness” series. Reunion.
Rating: PG

Radio Trilogy:

Award of Merit -- Angel thinks about stuff leading up to an epiphany all B/Aers can agree with.
Rating: PG

Pop! Goes the . . . What? -- This is a companion prequel to my story "Homecoming." Since the first one had Angel being (hem) inspired by pop music I chose a similar route to explain exactly why Buffy was on her way to LA at the beginning of "Homecoming."
Rating: PG

Homecoming -- This is the sequel to ‘Award of Merit’. Buffy and Angel reunite. Songfic.
Rating: NC-17

B/A songfics:

Better True Love -- Cordelia and Angel are getting married but not everything is as it seems.
Rating: PG-13

Maybes -- This happens just after TSILA. Angel comes to Sunnydale.
Rating: PG

To Feel Alone -- Buffy contemplates her life after “Chosen.” Futurefic.
Rating: PG

Spring -- The way I think the final battles should go. Also, I started writing this before the booting of Buffy from her own home earlier this week. B/A naturally.
Rating: PG

Flesh and Stone -- This is set in the future, and it's just a slightly angsty B/A reunion.
Rating: PG

Made By Love Version 1 -- Years down the line from the present, (ignoring Cordy's ascension since I plan to) really pissed Oracles reunite Angel and Buffy.
Rating: PG-13 to R for suicide theme.

Made By Love Version 2 -- Years down the line from the present, (ignoring Cordy's ascension since I plan to) really pissed Oracles reunite Angel and Buffy. Choose your favourite version!
Rating: R

Midnight -- A songfic. Surprised? I didn’t think so. A mildly angsty B/A reunion/ Riley gets dumped sort of thing.
Rating: PG-13

Lighthouse -- Okay, I’m pretending that Angel and the others had the sense to turn down W&H’s offer and that instead of turning up in the Buffy episode when he did he turned up after. Sort of how I think things should go. To a point.
Rating: PG maybe PG-13

Just Angst B/A songfics:

Truthful Farewell -- Think back to Graduation. We've all seen a hundred 'what happened when Angel was feeding off of Buffy' stories, but I have yet to see one (and maybe that's just me) about the scene we didn't see right before Buffy quit the council. You know how she comes out of Angel's room in the mansion and tells Giles and Wesley he's resting? This is what happened in that room. Everybody get that?
Rating: R

Flight -- A little post-Gift angst that came to me while listening to Maren Ord sing “Perfect”.
Rating: R

Like Glass -- A songfic with Angel’s thoughts on Cordelia and Buffy.
Rating: PG

First Reading -- You know that episode when Angel first sings for the Host? This is an alternate interlude to what actually happened. You know, if he’d sung something appropriate instead of ‘Mandy’.
Rating: PG

Why -- Enough stories have appeared where Angel’s soul gets permanently attached but he decides (for whatever reason) to get together with Cordelia. This is what I think would go through Buffy’s mind on finding that out.
Rating: PG-13 to R

She Said -- Y'know when Angel's dream-boinking Cordy? That little moment when he looks up and gasps Buffy's name? Well this is what goes through his mind between opening his eyes and saying "Buffy." Two seconds in five pages.
Rating: PG-13 to R

Shards -- Buffy’s just heard from Anya that Angel was in Sunnydale all Thanksgiving. She’s not exactly happy.
Rating: PG

Adult B/A fics:

Surprise and Innocence (The way it should have been) 1 2 -- The title pretty much covers it.
Rating: NC-17

Prophecy Girl with B/A plus 1 2 -- I had a thought once about how “Prophecy Girl” would have gone if Buffy and Angel had decided to start dating at the end of “Angel” instead of going their almost separate ways. Umm. That’s about it.
Rating: NC-17

Summer Days -- This kinda follows up my Prophecy Girl rewrite, but you don’t have to read that to follow this. Basically this is almost a PWP, definitely CWC and takes place in the summer between S1 and S2. It assumes Buffy and Angel were together at the end of S1.
Rating: NC-17

Adult B/A songfics:

Shake Me -- Uhh. PWP. My first PWP. Also a songfic. As if there was any doubt.
Rating: NC-17

Ten Years Hung Over -- Ten years from now Buffy goes to visit Angel.
Rating: NC-17

Fics that don't quite fit elsewhere:

Sight -- B/S, and no I haven't gone turncoat.
Rating: R

The Real Origins of Dork!Angel and Brad -- It’s a badfic, completely unedited, unbeta’d (not that I have one anyway), unspellchecked, and all errors are mine. I just saw the quote about Brad being Spike’s twin and how Spike was going to deal harshly with him when he gets back, had some anti-Joss anger, and voila!
Rating: R

Who Wears the Pants Around Here? -- It's badfic which came in a moment of temper during those later episodes of Angel. Who wasn't angry back then?
Rating: PG-13

Cordelia's Gift -- Badfic that was, at the time, based on spoilers about Cordelia and her ascension. Not that I'd seen the episodes that were being spoiled at the time I wrote this.
Rating: PG-13


The Overanalysis of "Restless"

A Ramble on Vampires Disguised as an Essay

The Search for Redemption Doesn't Exist!

Crossover fanfic:

Done -- Buffy and Dean each make a wish and complete silly fluff ensues. A Supernatural and Buffy the Vampire Slayer crossover.
Rating: PG

Amateur -- Sam would be perfectly fine with demon hunting (pre-S1 SPN AU) if only he had some stability in his life too. Say, like the sort Buffy and her friends had. One-shot.
Rating: G

An American Slayer in Northern England 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 -- Buffy's actually a witch and it's about time the Wizarding world caught on to muggle magics. Rating: NC-17

Five Crossovers That Aren't Going Anywhere -- If my Five Things series were further up the page I'd double-post this. Harry Potter, Numbers, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Doctor Who and a Primeval New World 'crossover'.
Rating: PG

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