The Good, the Bad, the Stupid -- Zuko and Katara have to share a tent. It makes things a little uncomfortable until an accommodation is reached. PWP.
Rating: NC-17
What Really Happened -- A cracktastic way to get Katara and Zuko together in a post-finale world.
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6Rating: G until the last part, which is R to NC-17
Cactus Juice and Truth in Negotiations -- Umm . . . if you made Zuko and Katara tell and do nothing but the truth about everything for a day straight, what would happen?
Rating: PG
Yesteryear -- Things aren’t always what they seem, but some things transcend appearances.
Part One Part Two Part ThreeRating: PG
She Was Good At That (Or How Katara Became Fire Lady) -- Zuko needs a lot of help with governing the Fire Nation. Luckily someone steps into the breach to help.
Rating: PG
Two Benders and a Baby Part Two Part Three -- Zuko finds a baby and she leads him to redemption and a happy ending.
Rating: NC-17
Affairs of the Heart -- Their marriage is falling apart and it’s Katara’s fault. She has reasons okay?
Rating: PG-13
Monthlies: Version 876 -- There’s a heating pack with legs travelling with the Avatar and his friends. The girls take advantage of it.
Rating: PG-13
One Thing Led to Another -- Zuko is informed of something unexpected in his past in an unexpected manner by unexpected people.
Rating: NC-17
Sokka Saves the Day! -- You know things are bad when Sokka's paying attention to romantic relationships. Zutara.
Rating: PG
Wrong and Right -- She has amnesia and it takes her a while to find what's right. Zutara.
Rating: PG
Did Someone Lace the Tea with Cactus Juice? -- Someone cheats on someone else, which makes someone jump their true love's bones.
Rating: PG
Wear and Tear -- Aang tells Katara to leave if she can't treat Zuko better. She does, and things fall apart.
Rating: G
Red and Blue: A Different Beginning --
1 2 3 4 5 -- A slightly different start, a little bit of self-deception - they can go a long way together.
Rating: PG
Dangly Bits -- Kids in their early teens have questions about various things. Combine that with a lack of supervision and hormones and all sorts of things can happen.
Rating: NC-17
It Seemed Like a Good Idea at the Time -- It's right there in the title, really.
Rating: PG-13
Wedding Proper -- AU - Hakoda gets a shock when he meets up with his kids again.
Rating: PG
Cracky AtLA 'Ships -- It's right there in the name. Drabbly little bits of weird 'ships.
Rating: PG
You Know that Time They Got Married? --
Part One Part Two Part Three -- See the title?
Rating: PG-13
Stress-Induced Spirit Insanity -- Sometimes, when you anger the Spirits, they do really weird things just to make stuff get back on track.
Rating: R
Spirit Induced Insanity -- The um . . . sequel to Stress-induced Spirit Insanity. What, exactly, were Zuko and Katara doing and/or thinking? So smut.
Rating: NC-17
And That Makes Three -- Zuko and Mai need help with certain familial issues. Katara assists. Zutara enough to pass muster, I hope.
Rating: NC-17
Matters of Perception -- Sometimes, what you find attractive is all a matter of perception. Rather AU.
Rating: NC-17
Airbender's Child Series
Airbender's Child: Water -
Prologue 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 -- Zuko's father was always disappointed his son wasn't a good enough firebender. His mother was disappointed he was a firebender at all. AU.
Rating: PG-13
Airbender's Child: Earth -
Prologue 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 -- Zuko's friends know and trust him. Do they know him well enough, though? Does he know himself well enough? AU.
Rating: PG-13
Airbender's Child: Fire -
Prologue 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 -- Life can be very hard when you don't know who you can trust, and you have to include yourself as untrustworthy.
Rating: PG-13
Usual Suspects Series
The Usual Suspects -- Plans rarely survive the first minutes of engagement with the enemy. This is true in more ways and cases than one.
Rating: PG
The Usual Suspects: The Imagined Years -- In The Usual Suspects I said Katara and Zuko were brainwashed into believing their lives had gone quite differently. This is that story.
Part One Part TwoRating: PG-13
The Usual Suspects: Incidents and Accidents -- Some things that happen after the now-brainwashed Zuko and Katara of The Usual Suspects and The Usual Suspects: The Imagined Years reunite with everybody.
Rating: PG-13
Proposal Series
Proposal -- Sokka makes a deal for his sister to marry the Fire Lord. I bet it's not at all what you expect.
Rating: PG-15
A Second Proposal -- Hakoda receives the request for Katara's hand from Zuko. Sequel to my fic "Proposal". You have to read that to really get the backstory on this.
Rating: PG-13
Proposed Solutions -- Fire Lord Zuko, Leader of the Fire Nation, Master Firebender, swordmaster and Nephew to the Dragon of the West meets with Kanna, Gran-gran to Katara. Third in my Proposal series.
Rating: PG-13
Proposing Accommodations -- Katara's on her way to the Fire Nation. She's not really sure deserves any of it. Fourth in the Proposal series.
Rating: PG-15
Educational Proposal -- Suki's concerned that Zuko's plans to help Katara aren't good enough. Fifth in the Proposal series.
Rating: PG
Proposing Protection -- Iroh's asked to help train a waterbender. Sixth in the Proposal series.
Rating: PG
Proposing the Truth -- One step forward, Katara's bending in public and talking to people and starting to be normal. Three steps back. Or are they steps back? Seventh in the Proposal series.
Rating: PG-15
A Good Proposal After All -- Toph gives Katara some Toph love (Toph . . . tough get it? I know. Puns are bad) Eighth in the Proposal series.
Rating: PG
A Vengeful Proposal -- Aang and Sokka. Blame, vengeance and the avatar state. Ninth in the Proposal series.
Rating: PG-15
The Proposed Results -- Katara and Zuko are getting married. Royal weddings can be a lot of fuss. Number ten in the Proposal series.
Rating: PG
Proposing the Unexpectedly Expected -- Dowager Fire Lady Ursa is a little confused about the details of her son's marriage. Eleventh in the Proposal series.
Rating: PG
An Indecent Proposal -- Katara decides she's ready for the final stage of intimacy. Zuko thinks she's not. Twelve in the Proposal series.
Rating: PG-15 to AA?
A Realistic Propostion -- Hakoda gets a reality check. Thirteenth in the Proposal series.
Rating: PG-13
Propositioning By Accident -- Katara's dreams are starting to get to her. Final story in the Proposal series.
Rating: PG-15 to R
Propositioning By Accident Adult Version -- Katara's dreams are starting to get to her. Final story in the Proposal series.
Rating: NC-17
An Alternate PoV on Propositioning By Accident Adult Version -- Zuko's PoV of events in Propositioning by Accident.
Rating: NC-17
Fear and Ice -- A really short extract from what would be a longer fic if I had anything else in mind besides this. Zuko is delirious and Saetan has to watch.
Rating: PG-13
Breaking, Bending, Misunderstanding -- Chaosti and Sceron make a mistake. Katara makes them pay for it. Daemon's not happy to have been involved.
Rating: PG-13
There's Your Trouble -- Daemonar strikes out on his own.
Rating: G
Lost, Love -- The Avatar's band has lost one of their number, and Daemon is the only one who can help Zuko with that loss.
Rating: PG
Forcing the Issue -- Saetan steps in because Katara needs a stern talking to. Marian steps in because Saetan's talking to just meant Katara needed another talking to. So Zutara.
Rating: PG-13
Benders in a Strange Land -
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 The GAang wind up set adrift and drift all the way to Tortall. This is a Zutara 'ship. I have not posted the story here on LJ mostly because I'm just feeling too lazy to spend the time. So, enjoy the links right back to
Rating: PG-13
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