So, here it is, my Primeval: New World episode three picspam and snark. I don't think I managed to find anything I could turn into a Jurassic Park reference. There are even more caps, this time I also decided not to go back after and retake any caps I didn't get right the first time. Anyone with a slow connection, beware.
Scenic Vancouver. It looks like we'll be starting with these establishing shots for the rest of the series. Remember where you are. It's the one place in Canada where it never stops raining. Wait . . . that sounds familiar . . . Anyhow, here we have our first view of Pallavi and Jim, two pilots who wind up flying straight into an anomaly.
Toby apparently does not have a home, sleeping at Cross Photonics in the Super-sekret Anomaly Lab. In nothing but a low-cut tank top and underpants. Logically, this induces a shot of all the bits that will be of interest to straight male viewers and nothing else. Nothing quite like pandering. She has been awoken by her anomaly alarm, calls Evan to discover he's a vile morning person of the sort who jog. He tells her to call Mac to guard the newly opened anomaly.
Toby is deeply unhappy to discover that a) Mac is also a morning person, b) he's on his motorcycle with some girl, c) he's taking her with him to the anomaly and d) that she doesn't get to go and risk having her face eaten off by the Monster of the Week, the MotW, not to be confused with the AotW (Alien of the Week), or Kirk's ABotW (Alien Babe of the Week). I digress. Toby uses her psychic abilities to not only know that Mac's out with a girl, but the girl's name. She is Oracle. Or the Oracle of Quantico. Or something.
Evan does indeed chew Mac out for bringing his girlfriend along. Does he sound jealous? I like to think he sounds jealous. Evan and Mac are so pretty together, right? So, he's jealous. The lovely lady friend, named Sam, because this is the go-to name for hot chicks who are good with guns, giving them that masculine edge to the name, showing that they're tough. Right Ms Tapping? Anyhow, she's studiously ignoring the lover's spat going on behind her, in favour of staring at the anomaly.
First, on the right, is the CCTV footage that Toby found of the plane going into the anomaly.
Answer me this. Where the flying fuck is that security cam at? How the hell did the CCTV get that?
Next, the hero shot of Dylan and Evan vanishing into the anomaly, armed only with a small handgun. Because for some reason, bringing the tranqs, high-powered rifles or . . . well, anything, is Not Done.
They come out several feet in the air and hit the ground hard, then come to their feet on what looks suspiciously to me like a soundstage. Maybe it's just me. I dunno, I thought the moon looked super-fake.
Here is Jim! He's the pilot equivalent of a hardy old salt, learned to fly in the Gulf War, apparently moved to Canada from the US, and flying through a giant glowy thing to come out where it's a totally different time of day and geographical region from moments before only hits a six on his weirdometer. Dylan and Evan don't quite know what to make of this.
They are also taken mildly aback by the very freaked out Pallavi. Then Evan and Jim head out to repair the plane so they can fly out of whenever they are. Meanwhile, we get a quick zip past a frustrated Toby, just to remind us she exists, while Evan and Sam hang out and guard the anomaly together. Sam thinks the dinosaur hunting thing is super sexy.
One of only two jpegs on offer here, I give you Mac and Sam smoochin' on the runway. If someone thinks they can photoshop Evan (or whomever) in, more power to you, I offer a good shot to do it with. Well, a better shot. Evan and Jim are chatting while Evan singlehandedly fixes the busted wheel and Jim does . . . I dunno. He must be doing something. At least, until he's killed horribly.
It's flesh-eating Beetles of Doom, so to drive them back, Dylan tosses a blanket onto the ground in front of Evan and Jim's dead body (barely seen on the right) and sets it on fire with the flare gun, seen on the left. Evan then jumps over the fire and runs for the plane, and they slam the door shut.
"Where is he? Where's Jim?"
"He's dead, Jim." Ahem. Sorry. "He's dead. Jim's dead." Jim. I can't help it. I guess this is my Star Trek episode.
Then we find out that despite all the hot sex with the hot gun-toting chick beside him, Mac's in love with Evan, as he stares wistfully into the anomaly Evan's disappeared into, talking about how Evan saved him from a horrible fate in the UK, that he had been planning to join the army.
. . . You mean, without Evan, Mac could have been at the ARC right now, and we could have added him to the stable of people sleeping with Ryan and Stephen and Cutter and Connor and Lyle and . . . Ahem. Pallavi's very broken up over losing her dear friend.
Evan is a jerk about telling her to get it together, and Dylan scolds him for it. We get another bit with Toby, who's eating pizza and reminding us she hasn't fallen from the face of the Earth.
Then a giant bug comes out of the anomaly. So, either it's the Carboniferous, or Matt's attempt to save the future failed, and instead of ants, like in the UK, we here in North America get giant beetles. Dylan, meanwhile, is comforting and bracing for Pallavi about how Jim's beliefs in Buddhism mean he believed in reincarnation, a statement which, it seems, had no point.
Then they edge closer, and it's very easy to ascribe femmeslash to it all.
Mac is trailing after the bug with Sam, who is dismayed to learn that Mac thinks they're dating. Just because they're having sex together a lot, sharing lunch a lot, have pretty decent chemistry and he trusts her enough to bring her to something as top secret as the anomalies. My God, can you believe he's being such a girl about it? Also, it would seem Toby does have a home. Her roommate is Sam. So . . . threesome anyone?
Evan demonstrates his super technical skills in hotwiring the plane, and Dylan gets pissed off all over again, just because he wants people to compartmentalise when they're in danger or working so that nobody dies. Apparently she hates herself because she can push aside her feelings to get the job done. Nothing quite like needing to prove to everyone that you're grieving, right? Evan indicates he wouldn't be horrified at the notion of her bearing his children if they get stranded umpty-squillion years in the past. I wonder if that worked on his wife as a pick-up line. Then the beetles stop making noise, and like an idiot, Pallavi decides to fling the door open because . . . I don't know. I guess the close confines were getting to her?
Admiral Ackbar kicks in with, "It's a trap!" because the beetles went silent in an attempt to tempt them out. Evan drags Pallavi back in, then flips out because she was stupid, and Dylan is confused, because Evan responds to her anger at him not being more sensitive to the losses others experience with, "Maybe I'm used to it." Also, there is much in the way of closeups of them close together staring at each other.
This poor man sees a giant bug. Toby reminds us she's still there, thank you very much.
Then there is screaming and the dude gets dragged off by the beetle. Who makes him cut his hair and speak in a Liverpudlian accent.
Sorry. It was right there. I won't do it again, promise.
This is the Joy of Imminent Escape, followed by the Despair of the Empty Tank of Non-Escape.
Evan decides to solve this problem by breaking into the fuel tank from the inside of the plane, reminding Dylan that he can MacGyver a plane out of random widgets, but, "Dammit, Jim, I'm an electronics geek, not a pilot!" and Mac and Sam get to see Ms French making out with the poor mechanic. Oh? Not a Buffy the Vampire Slayer S1 fan? The giant bug. Of course, it's not a praying mantis and it doesn't talk, but we can let that slide, right?
Evan gets down to where the tank actually is, and decides to use metal pickaxes on the metal tank that's still full of gas fumes. Dylan is sceptical of this. She also has figured out his Dark Secret. His wife was killed by an anomaly monster, not a bear the way the police report said! He is suprised. She admits to Googling him. We here in the real world are less surprised. They also talk about Angelika, who we are surprised to realise has not been seen once. Neither has Ken.
Well, now we know who what Ange is doing on her day off.
The mechanic is less-than-happy to discover the beetle shoved a slimy sac full of beetle eggs down his throat. Then he runs away.
Evan gives Pallavi an inspiring speech about friendship and filial love and brotherhood and gets her to agree to try flying the plane. The beetles cave in the window and eat her alive. Well, so much for that uplifting message.
So, flailing like muppets, Dylan and Evan flee through the bugs, wearing gas/petrol-soaked blankets to drive them away, then set them up in a burning ring of fire . . . Johnny Cash, eat your heart out. Evan uses seatbelts for a rope and a makeshift grappling hook to try to get them out. It isn't until Dylan sends a flare through the anomaly that they're able to get Sam and Mac's attention. Of course, Sam and Mac were a little busy with the giant beetle, which apparently flies, too, so you can't blame them.
Still, they get the makeshift rope tied onto a car and pull Evan and Dylan to safety. Ooh! Sexy, Evan, getting to grab Dylan around the thigh like that. Then there is running and screaming and the beetles had been following them up the rope, so they toss the thing back through, thus leaving the last bits of plane back in what we'll call the Carboniferous, to be discovered at some point by baffled paleontologists. Sam and Mac shoot at the bug, eventually knocking it out of the air and sending it bouncing along the tarmac and into the anomaly. My other jpeg is of Sam shooting the bug, because I caught the shot during a fade between the bug and her, and it's kind of awesome by accident. So I put that in better quality.
Then Mac throws himself at his One True Love, and anyone who wasn't 'shipping them after the black leather in ep. 1, the gun and credit cards in ep. 2 and the mushy story about how he'd been saved the terrible fate of the UK military by Evan while gazing with misty eyes at the anomaly keeping them apart, well, they're 'shipping them now. Although Evan's a little confused at first about why they're coming out of the closet right then.
In a reference to the conversation Dylan had with Pallavi, in which she responded to the question, "Who will remember Jim?" with "You will," Evan has taken Pallavi's letter to her family with him, indicating that they will remember those two. Which is really kind of sad, because it puts a very grim irony on Pallavi's question and Dylan's answer.
Then we end with Mac cuddling his girlfriend and pretending he wasn't just groping Evan, and Evan and Dylan bracketing Mac and Sam, with the implication that they'd be snuggling too. Which they probably would, Evan. You randy, randy man.
Next week, something to do with birds!
Give us Danny! We want Danny! Give us Danny! We want Danny! Give us Danny! We want Danny! Give us Danny! We want Danny! Give us Danny! We want Danny! Give us Danny! We want Danny! Give us Danny! We want Danny! Give us Danny! We want Danny! Give us Danny! We want Danny!
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