Title: Three Yakuza and a Baby, Chapter 7: Asami's unrest
priestess_grrrlSeries: Viewfinder, which belongs to the wonderful Yamane-sensei, not me.
Pairing: Asami/Akihito
Rating: PG 13
Notes: Once again, thank you for waiting!
Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 (
Chapter 7 )
Comments 51
The interaction between Asami and Feilong is almost comedy..lol
Now I hope Asami finds Aki before those woman do anything to him. I can't wait for the next update!!
hahaha, don't worry, there's no Yuri!women there (gross!) Asami will definitely come to rescue his boy, but there may be a surprise in store for him...! *laughs mysteriously* Thanks for reading, honey! ^_^
Oh BTW PS do you mind if I post our group fic on the yamane_ayano comm? Just thought I'd check before I put it up!
No, I don't mind if you post the pic. =] (you meant group pic and not fic right? because I don't remember doing a fic..lol)
And YES! Let's torture Fei for a little bit! Just a tiny little torture! Please? :D~
Nice to know that Asami worries so much about Akihito. It was a great part of the story! Loved it :)
I am also glad that you think that there is a strong relationship between Aki and ice-cream :D I don't know if you remember, I wanted to write a story about it, but then though that it would be too silly.
Now, thanks to you, I feel confident enough to finish it! Yippy!!! :D
That was fantastic! I am absolutely in love with your story :)
Thanks for updating.
hahaha, this is hilarious: everyone else was like, "NO, DON'T LET ASAMI HURT FEI!" and you're like, "DO IT, DO IT, DO IT!!" *dies laughing* Oh, that's delicious! Well, we'll just have to see what the two of them do. I'm just the choreographer; they decide how the dance actually goes...!
And yes, I totally remember your AkixIceCream plotbunny, and I totally want you to write it! And ekaterin24 wants to read it, too! So definitely post it!
Thanks, sweetie! More soon! (or at least at some point, heh...!) ^_^
I need time off to think about it.
There, got that off my chest :) But I believe NOW something will come to me :)
Fei is simply asking for a torture. Especially with Asami in his current mood. All the favourable prerequisites are in place :D
I think I will take off to finish my story. Thanks again! **hugs**
the cliffie is still a cliffie (the one with aki. is he going to be alright?)
hmmm. shall we see fei and asami in action?
... looking forward to the next chapter
And yes, I have two LJs: this is my fic LJ, and priestess_grrrl is my regular one. I mostly do it just to keep them organized!
We will definitely be seeing Fei and Asami in action next chappie, so stay tuned! Thanks so much for reading! ^_^
Thanks for reading! More soon! ^_^
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