Title: Three Yakuza and a Baby, Chapter 7: Asami's unrest
priestess_grrrlSeries: Viewfinder, which belongs to the wonderful Yamane-sensei, not me.
Pairing: Asami/Akihito
Rating: PG 13
Notes: Once again, thank you for waiting!
Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 (
Chapter 7 )
Comments 51
hope you update soon!!
Tee hee, do we have a little bit of a crush on our lovely Feilong-sama? Can't think why! Sometimes I think he's so beautiful I just want to lick him off the page...! *fangirl sigh*
I'm sure Feilong would agree with you that he is perfectly innocent, and Asami is perfectly dastardly. Don't worry, though: Feilong can hold his own against Asami, especially when he's holding all the cards, which in this situation, he is. Although I wouldn't put it past Asami to try to manipulate him anyway. Hence, the nature of their deliciously screwed up relationship. Really looking forward to writing the next chappie...! *cackles in fangirlish glee* Thanks so much for reading...! ^_^
Poor guy, it might be best to talk this over with Akihito. It might help to curve Akihito's carefree-change-schedule-at-a-drop-of-the-hate behavior without crushing his spirit and ultimately driving him away from Asami.
Love it.
Anyway, thanks so much for reading! BTW I really like your Obama icon. ^_^
Yes, I like my Obama icon too. I downgraded my LJ account to basic and I have only one icon, my default icon and what better way to spread the love of Obama. ;d
A friend cropped the picture, it's a painting an artist made for an Obama rally. You can take if you want as long as you credit the artist.
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