Title: Entwined Pairing(s): YeWook (kids) Genre: Fluff, Friendship Rating: G Summary: Yesung is always watching from afar, building up his courage and abilities to match with the one who shines so bright in his eyes. Note: I wrote this because the lovely eun_yoji suggested that I should write some more YeWook ^^
ahh! it was over too quickly. i really enjoyed it! yesung is so shy.... he's such an adorable fluff ball who's in love with ryeowook's voice sdhghfjksgkd this was so sweet/cute/awesome<3
Hehe yeah, this one was really short. I think one of my shortest actually. I'm glad that you liked it ^^ Hehe yes yes, he'll be Ryeowook's number one fan forever ^^
aaawawawawaawaw spot thanksssssssssssssssssssssss once again i wrote a giant comment this morning, and there was an error. and if i didn't have school i'd comment a long time ago. this is damn cute and knowing wookie i'm sure he'd call yesung dork. and now yesung has a new probem .___. should've confessed right there and then :P i loved it, its so sweet and adorable and cute <3 thankyuuu
YAY!!!!!!!!!!!! You liked it!! I'm so glad. I really wasn't sure about this fic but yay! Hahaha that will come in time, maybe in secondary school he'll confess that problem or maybe Wook will beat him to it. You're welcome it's fun ^^
I think there always will be some bubbly Donghae who will get drunk and tell Wookie all about Yesung's feelings. And then they will be awkward and then Yesung will DO THINGS LIKE A REAL MACHO AND THERE WILL BE SMUT. ...it can be different, though. :^D i LOVED it.
Comments 9
sdhghfjksgkd this was so sweet/cute/awesome<3
once again i wrote a giant comment this morning, and there was an error. and if i didn't have school i'd comment a long time ago.
this is damn cute and knowing wookie i'm sure he'd call yesung dork.
and now yesung has a new probem .___.
should've confessed right there and then :P
i loved it, its so sweet and adorable and cute <3 thankyuuu
...it can be different, though. :^D
i LOVED it.
Stop tempting me to write them like years later >
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