Mar 21, 2004 21:57
got promoted to varsity track.
made peer leadership
gettin' a job
found out i'm getting a car for my 16th b-day
got a medal at my track meet
but i haven't felt this low since last year.
i feell.. at the moment... worthless... mediocre.. just not good enough for anyone. god damnit. no matter what i do its just NOT good enough for anyone.
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Comments 12
oohhhhhhhh and good job on your varsity meet!! i did not at ALL mean to make u feel down about urself..i was just wondering what the deal was with mel and kaylee..and all those uberly fast people that r finally gettin their bootys back in track where they belong! you're an amazing runner!..but dont take that to your head dear! haha ok im leavng for real now..bye!
PSYCh lol sorry thought of ONE more thing! good job on peer leadership buddy!!! whooo! quite the accomplishment with what 130 girls applying?? nice work!
yes worktour was super duduper splantasterific!! except, there was smooching, there was drugs, and there was suicide attempts!! BUT all in all, what a good week, no??? That was totally what I needed, I think all of us actually, and it was a good time. However, now i miss every from GF! I miss jake, schmeegs, sabrina, will, tommy, kyle(meh kinda), kazaa kinda sarah, and of course I miss YOU! But I get to see you in ICB which will of course be a blast. AND AND AND!!! we picked out a skirt today! It was super duper splantasterific, and yousa very skinny. my mom actually mentioned that after you left. she was all like "Did erika lose weight?" and I was all like, "no" but i was just kidding, cause you do look super skindiderific. ANYWAYS call me buddy IT'll BE A TOTAL PARTY!!!!
have a nice day
super-talented me
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