Nov 04, 2008 08:08
It is not the Democrats who will ruin this country.
It is not the Republicans who will force this country to fall.
It is the pure hatred that each has for the other that will cause our demise. It is this 'us-against-us' mentality that we are turning to.
I'm not voting.
I want both of them to win.
Dec 02, 2007 14:00
If I weren't so upset about it, I'd secretly delight in this poetic justice.
Nov 18, 2006 21:54
So I'm watching Narnia.
And it's a terribly unrealistic movie. I mean, despite the fact that it's fantasy.
And the Lord of the Rings/Lion King references are anything but few.
It's giving me little incentive to read the books.
Oct 22, 2006 23:23
I cannot write this paper for Carter.
Oct 19, 2006 06:33
It's been much too long, ja?
Sep 29, 2006 16:39
Clearly there was no Government test
And I was just losing my mind.