Chapter One Of NaNoWriMo!

Nov 01, 2007 11:19

Title: Hard To Be Vain
Author: seckshooal
Rating: PG
Pairing: Hinted Lizzy/Nicki
Summary: Vains Of Jenna Are On Tour
Disclaimer: I don't own this stuff. Kay? Kay.

In a small dressing room back stage at the Agora Theatre, there was a small figure hidden under a blanket coughing and sniffling. Anyone would assume it was somebody who was crying a short while ago by the sound of it. Nicki removed the blanket only to reveal Lizzy holding his bandana-wrapped head up with his hand. With a feeling of sympathy for the poor sick Lizzy, Nicki leaned over and placed the side of his head on his shoulder.

"Come on," Nicki said while patting Lizzy on the back. "We have to get ready for the show."

“I’m as fuckin’ ready as I’m gonna be,” he replied without making any effort to move.

With a little help from Nicki, Lizzy manages to get himself up and begins the journey down the hall to the stage. He entered the dimly lit stage area to see a small crowd knowing very few of them were actually there for him. Those who were could tell by his appearance he did not feel well at all. Lizzy looked out over the crowd with a groggy eyed daze when he was finally hit with the opening guitar notes to “Ceased Emotions.” Every lyric hurt more than the last but he had to pull through, not only for himself, for the members of the band. It took all eh had to make it through the show, but at least he did.

Once the last piece was completed he exited the stage after biding a few fare wells and fuck yous. On his way through the hall exiting the stage, he grabbed a black zip-up hoodie and threw it around himself then put up the hood. Lizzy looked back at his fellow band mates to see who would accompany him on his walk to the merch booth and was answered by a simple nod from JP. The two parted the rest and walked out through the crowd unnoticed by most. Upon arrival at the booth not many people were there to buy things but there were some who came out to support them and ask for autographs.

After about fifteen minutes had passed, both left the booth and exited the building to board the tour bus. They entered the bus to find Nicki laying on the couch and Jacki sitting at the table drinking a little whiskey out of a flask. Lizzy simply walked over to the occupied couch and collapsed onto Nicki.

“I’m so damn tired,” he said as Nicki let out a gasp from the sudden impact.

Nicki struggled to push the man off of him while pleading, “Could you be tired somewhere, please?”

Lizzy replied by letting out a pain induced groan and rolling from the couch onto the floor. It took him a while to get off of the floor because the cold surface felt nice against his fevered face. Gracefully he put himself on his feet and strolled over to the small refrigerator in the wall of the tour bus. He grabs the handle and stands there for a moment before throwing the door open as if he were trying to surprise whatever was hiding inside. Lizzy bends over and peers into the liquor filled space in somewhat of a debate between beer or vodka. Without much more thought he grabbed the vodka bottle and emptied it into a glass with orange juice and dumps a little bit of cold medicine in with it, his idea of a “get well sooner” remedy. Bringing the glass up to his lips was a task itself, but he completed it and drank every last drop then laid down in the bed of the tour bus to end the day.

vains of jenna, nanowrimo

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