Apr 12, 2010 18:13
The title says it all.
My last entry was over a month ago, and it was just a little self-hating rant, nothing special/interesting.
I think I'll start posting fics I write here, to keep it interesting, at least.
So woo! Expect to see a lot of Assassin's Creed 2 fluff <3
That is all.
- Maddie
assassins creed,
Dec 14, 2009 00:00
And so the fun begins.
My good friend Tamika (tamchronic) has recently persuaded me to create an account on Live Journal, mostly for the purpose for squeeing over Assassin's Creed II with each other, and the rest of the AC-loving community.
So, I'm kinda new to this, but hopefully, I'll get the hang of it all eventually.
Wish me luck!
xx Maddie
first entry,