[You get a mildly interesting sight, vatheon; Cynthia with her hair up in a ponytail, casual clothes on, and a
Gible in her lap. The gible is gnawing on a melon that's about the perfect size for its mouth.]So! There are some new trainers out there that are raising baby pokemon. I thought it would be a good idea to talk about making sure they're
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[Pause, then...] There were Eevee's given out, too, by Lyra.
Ah, that's right! I've been speaking with a few of the owners about things they can do for the development of their baby pokemon.
What else is there to do other than make 'em fight to toughen them up?
There's a lot to do! You don't want their instincts to dull, so you have to play with them to teach them those basic skills they would learn in the wild.
.. Hmph. Battling does that fine.
"Fine", but not the best. That is what you want, isn't it?
I'll be there shortly.
There is a questioning look in his eyes at the filing of the pokemon's claws. What...] Why would you do that?
[She smiles. The claws are still pointed and certainly could cause damage, but they're groomed.]
So! We're starting with who?
Golbat. He needs to be fed anyway. [And out comes a rather grumpy looking bat, who hisses at Silver, as if to say where's his food. Silver only growls.] Blame her not me, moron.
Hello there, sweetie. Are you hungry? I've got special food for you~
[She takes out a tupperware, opening it up. Inside is a beefy pet food, though a heavy iron smell wafts from the meal. As well as a few other subtle herbal accents meant to make it even tastier.]
I bet you'll feel much more full after this. Let me know how my cooking is; you should feel special, I don't usually make boys dinner.
[Giggle giggle. And preemptively ignoring any complaints on your end, Silver, as she puts the food on the lid and sets it down for Golbat to eat.]
Obviously, the Golbat likes it - he wouldn't be scarffing it down otherwise.]
..Can't say that I have seen him eat that fast for... a while. [...Silver, you starting to slowly understand your pokemon do have genders? Or you just using him as Cynthia did?]
Do you have a soft-bristle brush?
Yea. [Digging into the bag and -- brush, get! ... Brush that he hasn't used. Opps?]
Yes, that one! Once golbat's done, you should brush him slowly and gently. It'll get anything tangled out of his fur, clean it up, and will be better for him.
Your pokemon are your partners, your coworkers, and eventually, your comrades. They take care of you, so you need to take care of them.
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