Title: Resurrection Rating: PG Pairing: Sehun/Kai Summary: A piercing scream, a loud honk, a powerful crash... did he come back to life? ( Read more... )
uugh... my kokoro.. Shixun is light and cute and not that paranoid anymore to Kai. I stil think the others know something that they havent told Kai about it. IDK.. and truthfully, I still cant decided my guess, whether it's Sehun or kai who got resurrected.
This story is very very good. thank you for writing it.
That's the end of the story isn't it? Because it sounds like...
So, no magic, no supernatural powers, no ghosts or overlapped worlds, it's just Kai's imagination because of losing his dear Sehun, because for him it's not like 3 years, just weeks and I can feel his pain because it hurts so much and he sees Sehun everwhere but he's really gone, he died because of Kai's unsuccessful and stupid plan of celebrating their anniversary and it's partly his fault, but there's no Sehun anymore and he won't come back and Shixun could be just Sehun's doppelganger and the similarity of their names is just coincidence, that happens (omg I'm so dramatical ;____; sobs)
Anyway, a great fic Naj, just like always, ilu ♥ sobbing so hard rn bc of Kai
Comments 28
This story is very very good. thank you for writing it.
So, no magic, no supernatural powers, no ghosts or overlapped worlds, it's just Kai's imagination because of losing his dear Sehun, because for him it's not like 3 years, just weeks and I can feel his pain because it hurts so much and he sees Sehun everwhere but he's really gone, he died because of Kai's unsuccessful and stupid plan of celebrating their anniversary and it's partly his fault, but there's no Sehun anymore and he won't come back and Shixun could be just Sehun's doppelganger and the similarity of their names is just coincidence, that happens (omg I'm so dramatical ;____; sobs)
Anyway, a great fic Naj, just like always, ilu ♥ sobbing so hard rn bc of Kai
life's so hard on me. lol thank you love ya!
i have some theories about shixun can't wait to read which one is right hehe
thank you for still reading :) baekhyun & kai ):
can't wait for the next chapter ;_;
thank youuuuuu it's up!
i feel lost
thank you for reading & commenting!
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