Title: Absentia
Pairing: Sehun/Kai; minor!(Sehun/Tao, Kai/Luhan, Sehun/Kris); slight!Sehun/Yixing
Rated: G
Summary: Sehun wishes to see the future. He unknowingly jumps in time and loses five years in the past. Slowly, he realizes, he didn't only lose time. He lost a lot.
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Comments 41
evertime i see an update i look forward to seeing some answers ...ahhh the wait is making me excited
pretty good way to keep your readers on the edge
my baby Sehun ;AAAA;
what happened to him??? how much did sehun change?? asjgjksjaksdhgjkhsdkj ;_;
i srsly can't wait for the next chapter =((
Thanks for taking the time to read! I hope you like the next part :p
I'm sitting here and spazzing because I am curious now like what did he do that's so unforgivable that even Tao can't forgive him?
Oh, and I spot a tiny tiny lukaiiiii<33333
just. Oh god the curiosity is driving me nuts!
I'm afraid that you guys would expect too much and in the end it'll just disappoint you. lol so I'm already telling you not to think of it too much :D
Thank you for reading :3
if i were sehun i'd be so frustrated, no one telling me what i did... and it seems kinda awful :/
anyway, this is very well written and i can't wait to read more
hoping sekai will triumph over this mess lmao
thanks for sharing your work!
i am dying here seriously. someone take pity on clueless sehun (and clueless readers XD) and tell him (us)
this chapter broke my heart
But pls don't die and save your heart. I'm sorry.
(Thank you!!)
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