Happy birthday, Kenya!
Title: Half the Battle
Pairing: Spike/Xander
Rating: NC17
Summary: Xander left after Entropy, Spike gets sent to find him. Things...happen. Xander wants to know some things, because, as G.I. Joe says, "Knowing is half the battle."
Half the Battle )
Comments 14
I feel completely in awe at the generosity that caused you to write this. I don't think you could understand the depth of my feelings about this wonderful thing you have done for me.
I'm not anybody special in LJ land. I read voraciously, comment sporadically, but have never in the one and a half years that I've been in this community clicked - for want of a better descriptive - with you lovely people like I've craved to do. Oh, there are so many sweet and caring people that have been just so nice to me, but I've not found - or maybe I mean "not finessed" - the sort of relationships I see every day. And it makes me sad. And it's my fault, I know. I'm just not putting myself out there enough, I suppose.
To try to clarify what I boringly rambling about: having a fic written specifically for my pleasure is the rarest occasion. ladycat777 wrote one for me also, and I ( ... )
Spike smiled and tilted his head. “So now you know.”
This is a truly amazing story. You have so artfully woven together the things I love about Spike and Xander: the potential for hot, violent fucking; the two lonely men getting some pleasure with each other; and then the discovery that they fit together, physically and emotionally, like a yin and yang. I cannot thank you enough for writing this story. I am also incredibly grateful to kenyacandoit for being born.
Pretty, pretty, pretty.
I like that, them both having a little solace and tenderness...
And you can imagine it becoming something more, from there.
Really lovely.
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