May 11, 2007 22:32
Nothing really have a full time job and such Heinen's Sucks! Don't know what to do aboot sckool and suck.... Games are cool.... Legos are coool ttoo. Been a long while so I'm back.
Jul 15, 2006 21:07
Tomarrow I leave for camp. I haven't packed yet and have no clue what I want to bring so yeah sucks and I had to miss a kick ass party to get ready for I'll be back in a week
Jul 12, 2006 01:16
I was think about what to write on lj today. And I got to thinking that if you got a soft large dildo you could easily shove it up an exhaust pipe. And after the car wouldn't start the person would pull it out and be like WTF? funny
Jul 10, 2006 23:29
It twas as good day... Woke up around 3, played hl2, then when to training. Fun stuff just another idle day in novelty. Just wondering about the interent looking for funny stuff. Oh and I can't remember the site that you can use to find furs. I'm trying find something to be angry and rant about cause I have nothing else to do so.... yeah
Jul 09, 2006 21:58
I saw a baby today.... And I believe I have found a reason to keep abortion going......
I need sex... lots of sexx....
Jul 08, 2006 22:33
Sooooo..... bored............
C-Can I sit next to you...
<-< >-> *yawn*
*yiffs a dresser*
Jul 07, 2006 03:42
Wow, Long day wasted working on cars and such. I have started to re-read the Gravitation manga, still love it^-^ Got my new computer. Started playing HL2 but stopped and I'm going to play Black and White 2... Nothing to interesting,.... I guess.... bye