In previous years I've simply disliked Christmas but this year I just can't wait until it's over and I'm sitting doing the Physics mock... on my birthday. I can't stand the sheer merriment of Christmas and the fact that Marissa's presents are better and more numerous than mine. Yes, that's right, I'm jealous of a three-year-old. Ugh...
Fuck Physics. I've read the notes. I've re-read the notes. I've read and re-read the textbooks. I know this stuff! I just can't do the fucking questions!
I downloaded a Texas Hold'em game for my iPod and have been playing the online Casino Royale poker game all day but I want to play for real money, damnit!
I complained that my mother was being ageist by buying Marissa an Advent calendar and not buying me one, so she got me a Pirates of the Caribbean Advent calendar! ^_^
I have Johnny Depp on my wall! Johnny Depp with CHOCOLATE! ^_^