Wed, 13:31: RT @ LouisatheLast: I have now seen someone argue that because Sarah H Sanders has noticeably assymetric eyes, any comedy that called attent…
Wed, 14:20: All these people baring their freshly shaved legs... and I’m all like: Hairy adventure legs rule! And I’m 99% of th…
Tue, 13:02: RT @ ImBrittanyEvans: Does anyone else collect weird trinkets that inspire their WIP ?? Or is that just me? 😅😅 These are things I’ve collec…
Mon, 12:12: RT @ d_m_elms: “In ‘DUNKIRK,’ characters aren’t introduced; they just show up and there’s like eight main characters but four of them are ba…
Sun, 12:29: RT @ whippletom: Two days ago the obituaries editor came round and asked if I would like to write about someone who had done something impor…
Sat, 14:48: RT @ AbelUndercity: State schools are not banning Bibles. The 1st Amendment forbids public schools from endorsing any religion. The two ide…
Sat, 14:49: RT @ JenLRossman: Psst. #Chairwolves has a tentative first line. "Sometimes I wondered if my dog liked me better when I was a wolf."
Thu, 13:10: RT @ Lexialex: I will not be friends with anybody who watches this show. As a matter of fact, I will boycott everybody including the caterer…
Tue, 13:34: Yep. Better buy up all the good, cheap wine you can while it’s still cheap. Extreme weather events and trends are g…
Tue, 17:15: RT @ RogueDadMD: Just learned our 9y/o did an experiment on us. Lost tooth, told no one for 3d, kept tooth under his pillow. No $. Then h…
Mon, 12:47: RT @ KT_NRE: I could write a thousand young adult novels and still never come up with a protagonist as cool as this 16-year-old horse thief,…