
Mar 07, 2004 13:08

I say his every time I update, but it's been a while. I mean, WOW. Well in recent news, I still despise/hate/loathe Amy. Amy is actually getting right up there with Tim. Yeah, it's THat bad. For those of you who don't know, I'm sorry yet all at the same time happy you don't know who Amy is. Be grateful. If you want to know, be prepared for an hour ( Read more... )

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Comments 15

lol anonymous March 8 2004, 07:40:35 UTC
O hi dan hope you and mb are have fun FUCKING!!!! your gril is going to love what i have to show her? Who are tim and amy...they seem like kool peolpe if they wony you fucked up...I bet that amy was the gril that you fucked with. And you can git over so you talk shit about her, you are fucking more thing I See ALL Dan lol


Re: lol narayen March 8 2004, 09:44:49 UTC
Just for kicks, let me correct your post for you...

O[h][,] [H]i[,] [D]an[.] [I] hope [that] you and [M.B.] are have fun FUCKING![...][.] [Y]our g[ir]l is going to love what [I] have to show her? Who are [T]im and [A]my[?]...[T]hey seem like [c]ool peo[pl]e if they [want] you fucked up...[ ]I bet that [A]my was the g[ir]l that you fucked with[*]. [And] [Y]ou can g[e]t over [it] so [that] you [can] talk shit about her[.] [Y]ou are fucking [pathetic]....[ ][O]ne more thing[,] I [s]ee ALL Dan[,] lol.

*Don't end sentences with prepositions.

You know who I'd say is pathetic? THE PERSON WHO CAN'T SPELL PATHETIC. I mean, take 5 seconds and use to look the word up? And you know, normally it wouldn't matter. However, you're trying insult someone's intelligence. Usually, when you do that, you want to try to appear smarter than the person you're insulting ( ... )


Re: lol semperfi04 March 8 2004, 19:23:24 UTC
Well, I would imagine this is either Amy or Tim or Christian(SP?). Either way, I hate all of you. There is no point to this. I mean, seriously. And how dare you threaten me with showing my girlfriend proof that MB and I are fucking! First off...what proof? There is none. Why is there none? BECAUSE WE AREN'T FUCKING! We are friends. Sure, we liked each other at one point, but that's the past. Secondly, Jenny knew I was hanging out with MB and knows what is going on. She won't believe a word of what you say without cold hard proof.



Re: lol yoshimitsu85 March 9 2004, 05:44:06 UTC
Wait wait wait, you aren't fucking?

Looks like I owe Steve 4 dollars.

4 SAND dollars am i rite?/



Dan... narayen March 8 2004, 09:46:22 UTC
Isn't Mary Beth Mr. Anderson's daughter? Or am I getting them confused...

And I think the real question is... You had dinner with Mr. Anderson? How weird. Maybe not for you, though.


albertotomato March 11 2004, 03:52:32 UTC
dan, get the fuck over it... seriously, how long has it been? jesus christ... it's not fair of you to do this to amy, she's a person and has feelings, remember that... learn to let it go... and that's all i have to say on the matter, good bye



Helloooooo semperfi04 March 11 2004, 04:41:47 UTC
I see Kaitlyn is getting involved. HI KAITLYN.

Why are you here? Sure, I commented on your LJ once upon a time, but not to you. So.....


But, I will say, you can at least spell. Thank you for that in all seriousness. Anyways, what do you care what I say about Amy. She's going to do to you what she's done to all her other friends. Either piss them off to the point of having them tell her to go fuck herself. OR...She will use you for things. Things like a car....? Yeah, things like a vehicle. I like the 'vehicle.' It sounds better.

I'm not saying you shouldn't be her friend. If anything, to stay stable, she needs stable friends. You've been friends with her for a long time. Be there for her now. All I'm saying is be careful and don't fall into the hole alot of her other ex-friends have....

Also, I would imagine Amy put you up to posting or she told you about it at least. If you know who the anonymous poster is, can I know too? Please? PURTY PLEEZ? kthx


albertotomato March 11 2004, 04:42:37 UTC
Listen, YOU of all people don't need to be getting into what Dan has to say in HIS journal. I understand that you care about Amy and all but you seriously don't have ANY right to get involved in what Dan thinks of her. He DOES have the right to think that if he wants to. Amy's not even acting like she has feelings. Maybe you should just stick to your "drama" and not fucking get involved in other peoples. "Get the fuck over it" yeah, psh, fuck you too!!!


well... anonymous March 12 2004, 18:14:57 UTC
hey, i figured since you all were talking shit about me, that i should say something. i cannot honestly believe this is what it has come to, i mean daniel has every right to say that he hates me still, because he has never been one to let go or move on, so i would expect nothing less...he's still being bitter...but daniel, come on, tell me how long it has been since you actually talked to me? because you have no right to assume things about me or who i have become, because you don't know me and neither does mb...and i know the only way you know anything about me, is through what mb tells you, and we all know me and her aren't talking any more, so yeah...and daniel don't tell my friends that i use them, and that they will fall into the shit hole that is my ex-friends, or however you worded that, because hmmm let's see.....the only two people that i am not friends with are you and you have no right to make generalizations. i am only writing today, because i wanted to say my peace before i let it go, and let you guys go...i just ( ... )


Amy is a cunt! semperfi04 March 12 2004, 20:55:17 UTC
You want to know why I don't say this shit your your face? Because everytime I called you or came by to say hi, you would cry on the shoulder of Boy Wonder, Tim. Then Tim would bitch at me for 'harassing' you. WTF? Why the fuck don't YOU say shit to my face? Because you're a Fucking cunt, that's why! Quit having you're trained guard dog do everything for you. And do you why know I don't talk to you anymore? Do you? Well, as per your request of course. You know, when I get an E-Mail saying to never contact your again 'or else' then wouldn't you expect me to be pissed off. You send me an E-Mail telling me this, and you say I don't have the fucking nerve to say shit to someone's face? FUCK YOU! What the fuck is wrong with you? Obviously you have fucked up your life to the point that I can not even comprehend anymore. You really did fuck up pretty bad. I mean, look at the facts. And, yeah, you're right, I am bitter. But, that doesn't mean I haven't gotten over it. I AM OVER IT. I am completely happy with Jenny. Who do you have? No one. ( ... )


Re: Amy is a cunt! anonymous March 15 2004, 15:43:49 UTC
Dear Dan,
I am compleatly appauled at the language that you have written on your site. I do not think that the word, "C**T" should be used as many times as you thought necessary to trash somebody. I believe i make my point when i i quote Take all of what I just said, "pack it in your bowl, and smoke it CUNT" and then there is the lovely phrase "Wake-up already and fucking realize it you God damn cunt". There is no reason for you to use the lord's name in vain and to be so hateful to somebody. Do not air your dirty language over the internet for everybody to read. Some viewers come on to have fun not to be victomized by your improper use of the english language. We have read your other entries and we have observed that you have a undistinguished and impolite way of speaking to others. Next time we have to read over your site and see your obsence language again you will be penalized.


Re: Amy is a cunt! orledyn March 16 2004, 23:04:26 UTC
"Lord, Please save me from your followers."


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