I have a long thing to say, and I doubt anybody cares enough. I usually post my general job rantings somewhere else, but I think it;s getting old there
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So, the princess actually tried to pull the "I'm going to sit here and cry until I get my way" this weekend. Twice. First time she got sent to her room. Second time I ignored her and it lasted hours.
When I was little, I slammed my htump in a car door. This resulted in permenent injury and a weird thumbnail. Normally, it doesn't matter. It's cosmetic, and noone ever notices. Bad ddrawing of my nail-
Last weekend I noticed my nails were getting long. This normally leads me to bite them to an appropriate length and move on. But this time I decided to start growing them out
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Each time I drive for a long period of time (every weekend), I write something up in my head that I would give to the drivers around me if I could. Usually it begins with "do you enjoy gobbling cocks while you are behind the wheel of a vehicle
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I had cramps yesterday. It took me a while to figure out what they were- all I knew is that right above my stomache area I was getting these intense bursts of pain. I go home to curl in a ball on my bed, and imagine that they are getting worse. Then I get the idea that maybe my muscles are rebelling against the fact that I have been coughing a lot
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