Title: Essence of Butterfly
Chapter(s): prologue/?
sentimentalenvy Genre: action, angst, historical, romance
Rating: R
Warnings: language, tobacco use, violence
Pairing: YunJae
Disclaimer: I do not own any known characters in this story.
Synopsis: The history of two family names collide, clashes and tangle in a way neither is willing to settle.
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Comments 29
You better take this, woman~!
ILYSFM for writing this for me. I loove it. I love the old version and I love this version too.
...the sound of rushing water growling strangely pleasant in her ears.
Oh man that is like a beautifully written thought of a person about to commit suicide. It's simply wow.
You removed my chilling The moon hid behind the shifting clouds as it was a chilly evening, par usual. from before but it's ok because 'm greeted by yet another chilly evening, the luminescent moon continues to shift behind the thick clouds. is just as amazing. I loooved it.
Sorry I'm quoting so much but its better then quoting the whole thing which I really want to do. But I love the scene where JaeJoong's father is telling him he isn't ready and the way JaeJoong is reacting to his father. It's really well written. I can just imagine JaeJoong acting like that. It's wonderful.
I can't wait for my our lovely YunJae to met. Thanks again for giving me such a wonderful birthday present babe. *kisses you*
and NO. >_>;! Never be sorry because I love people quoting parts in my fics. I love the specifics to pieces. >8O So quote away, bby. Ohoho I think their meeting will turn out different than you originally thought. If that's okay with you. I'll make sure to talk with you about it and get the GO before I write it anyway so don't worry!
Sexy icon dood.
i'm glad you're going to continue this.
can't wait for an update.^^
Also, it's completely in first person, haha! ^^
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Rarely see or read yunjae in historical setting,couldn't wait for more ^.^
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