Fics (
How Hard Was That? GLAM, Zinni/Trinity
Safehouse SNSD, Taeyeon/Seohyun
Intriguing Secret, Hyosung/Sunhwa [warning: murder]
Six and Seven Girl's Day, Minah/Hyeri
Approved Block B/B.A.P., Jaehyo/Himchan
Fiction EXO, Kai/Suho
Untitled Infinite, Myungsoo/Sungyeol
One Sequin at a Time EXO, Suho/Kai
Why don't we measure the coefficient of
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“More than I can describe,” Hoya agrees. Sungjong sits up straighter, attentive, but he doesn’t say more. It’s an unfortunate given that, no matter how cruelly Sungjong teases him, Hoya wouldn’t ever act on his own unless explicitly told.
So he does. “What I’m saying is I want you to move.” And this- yes, this is the Hoya he loves, beyond the shyness: manly and rough and with all the charisma that shines the brightest on stage, in these stolen moments shining brightly for him alone. Shallow initial thrusts become deeper, surer, and the embers of that abstraction roar into life again as Sungjong moans, high and thin and wanting. But this is the first time, and it isn’t quite scorching ( ... )
but everything else is spot on: the premise, the emotions, the characterizations and of course, the reply1997 link. thank you much, once again ♥!
but yes, you obviously have very clear insights about these characters so i hope you shall write more :D like i've said before, you have a really distinct way of writing and i hope to see more of it
you're so lovely :) we'll see, haha, but i hope so too! i'm slowly working on several fics. is there anything - situation or pairing - you want to see in particular? smutty or otherwise.
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