Title: Winged Eros
Author: septemberoses
Fandom: True Blood
Rating: R for smut, fluff, and dirty vampire talking
Pairing: Eric/Godric
Word Count: 2100
Note: What would Valentine's Day be without a fic about our favorite Viking and his pint-sized maker?
Thanks to blissy83 for the awesome graphic!!!
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Comments 28
I always liked seeing Eric taking care of Godric as if he was the younger one and not his maker.
Awesome, thank you so much. The perfect Valentine's gift for us. :)
That "little boy" line made me laugh out loud. Yeah, depending on Eric's timing, maybe it didn't go over so well the first time. OTOH they both know who's on top; there are worse things than Eric leering at you and fussing over you, yes?
I love the interaction that they have, the way Eric's wicked sense of humor is balanced by Godric's. You've got Them spot on!
Their feet kink-or rather Eric's- is so amusing to me because I don't understand people's fascination with them, so when I come here and read about it, I feel like I'm discovering something secret XD
Such a fine detail at the end, Godric posing like the Winged Eros :D
And finally, you are such a tease! :P "I'm not accepting any more gifts from you, Eric. Not after last Christmas." uh, you know, porn is always welcome :D
The feet thing amuses me. I have no foot kink. But it was a common request awhile ago, so I started writing it, it's easy to do... and then I just found myself so in love with the idea of Eric's foot-worship that I've kept it up. I kind of have a foot kink for THEM now.
And, yes that graphic is sweeeeet!!!
I'm thinking they went back to the house, Eric built a fire, they exchanged presents -- Eric really did get him that ridiculous underwear. I have this idea in my head about a game that they play, but I need to sort out the details better.
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