Weeeeell it's been a long time and no blog on Livejournal. but I got so incredibly bored I decided to check in on this thing. I actually forgot my password it has been so long
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so i got my laptop finally!! yayyyyy. traffic was good going to Winona and was okay coming back except for the complete traffic jam 10 minutes from my exit to portage. bergaflickle. is all i have to say
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so im sitting here and pretty bored. mum and dad went to go talk with our realator about an offer that was put on our house and such.. blahdeeblah
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I have a lot of time on my hands right now and don't want to start AP Bio or even think about homework so I'm trying to relax on my computer It's kinda funny how listening to wicked is improving my mood drastically ( more quiz thingies )
Worked with Lisa and Nathan today! It was pretty good, custamers were pretty good and time went alright. It didn't go by fast, but it didn't go extremely slow either
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