Somebody pretend to be a college and send me some mail. I went to Brians yesterday. They made waffles. I watched. We played MONOPOLY!!!! yeahhh Monopoly. And then we watched Footloose. Because we're freaking sweet. I'm going to die because my sister's hair products are overpowering my brain cells. Godddd.
I broke my finger yesterday. I was sledding but my mom doesn't know that, because I wasn't supposed to be sledding. SL Day was a stupid stupid idea, and it makes me question what we were thinking. We suck.
I spent most of my day yesterday with Brian and it was fabulous, as always. And then we went over to Jamies house. God. I don't think I've laughed that hard ever in my life. Last night was too funny. We're all going straight to hell. But I don't care. Because it's funny as fuck cmxb,vbxcnxv.