Oh, whatever deity is willing and able to help me with this (even if that deity is my subconscious) today I found myself being less compassionate than I ought to be
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I've been thinking about battles, notably political ones and the Copyright Wars, and come to the conclusion that there are too many battles to be fought. If I let myself think too much about these problems i get overwhelmed and start on another downward depression spiral. And anyone who has read Uzumaki knows how dangerous spirals are
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I enjoy cooking, it can be really fun, and it is also the best way to eat good food. I can buy a can of soup with an ingredient list I'd rather not think too much about, or I can make a pot of better tasting soup in the slow cooker or on the stove. depending on the soup I can often make several times as much for the same price
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[personal profile] estaratshirai started the gratitude project on LJ several years ago. It runs from Lammas to Mabon, and the rules are simple: every day, find something to be grateful for. No repeats. You can be grateful for the same people again, but for different reasons
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