First things first, you must shut down your computer. Then unplug all cords and pull the tower out from under any desks or cubbies you might have it in. After placing the tower in a good spot - I'd like to suggest the center floor area of an uncrowded room - begin hitting it with a sledgehammer. Then get yourself a mac. *grin*
It looks like the Window's update agent installed something bad. On the advice of my computer repair person I have turned mine off and it complains every day and I ignore it anyway. If you have Windows XP you may want to try the Systme Restore feature:
The update agent is a coincidence here. I've been having this problem since November. Last night I did a System Restore to 2 days before the problem began (I've traced it to a bad USB driver which I've removed already), but it's still happening. Sometimes those yellow warnings stack up to be 50 or so in less than one minute.
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