Title: Delust or Dust
Rating: NC-17 for adult language and sexual situations
Warnings: Graphic sex (eventually) Probably blood play. And foul-mouthedness
Season/Pairing: BtVS Season 3, Buffy/Spike, Willow/Oz, Xander/Cordelia, Angel/his discontent, Giles/missing spatula
Spoilers: Starts with the episode Lover's Walk, so anything up until
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Comments 25
"Of all the girls I could’ve been with, I can’t imagine anyone better than you.”
Oh, sweet Spike.
i have big love for angel too and it's hard in this spuffy ficverse because so many writers seem to be so very angry with angel. so very angry with him that they make him be the villain and/or the dumbest guy ever. repeatedly. with much malice. "bad, angel, bad!" they say. "we will punish you for existing!" i can handle it in non-canon fic but when it's MY angel they twist around i get cranky. angel is a good man. a good man who should never ever be with buffy, but a good man nonetheless. he is here and entirely present in this story. you are made of awesome for that!!!
ok now I'M the one telling you everything in my brain and i should stop. but wait, we've already established i'm a pervert and i like that sort of thing. bad, jamie, bad.
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