Thanks to all who gave me ideas for this year's Edible Book Festival creating. I had decided to go with Meagan's idea of The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, but alas, no such guide shall come into existence in the form of a delicious cake this year. No, instead I have this annoying case of vertigo. We think it has to do with the mold. You see
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When my boss asked me if I wanted some overtime covering two extra buildings while the manager was out on a family emergency, I said sure. I can carry around the cell phone and answer their questions (which is 9 times out of 10, "Call Allen when he gets back Monday"). But of course, the building's fire alarm malfunctions, and here I am, stuck out
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Herein contains many explicits (or more precisely, the frequent use of the word "fuck") as I am pissed off and can't think clearly enough to express myself eloquently
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I'm stalling doing anything productive, so I did this meme I found from heidi8 (see, this is what happens when I do get on the computer; I do silly memes).
The problem with having a job that I sit in front of a computer all day is I don't want to get on one when I'm at home (and it doesn't help the I use my blackberry for everything else). That means I hardly ever pay attention to lj anymore (sniff
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I'm sick, so I'm stuck at home on a Halloween. Meh, no fair. So instead I did a great job of scaring myself by listening to myself read the three Halloween fics on SpellCast that just released (that's right, ask the sick girl to read the fics--goes with the Halloween theme). You can't really tell I'm that sick in them as I edited out all my
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For those who have not noticed yet, the live podcast play I hosted at Terminus is now up on SpellCast. We performed Faydra's "Five Things That Never Happened the Week Harry Got Married." I had an absolute blast and I hope everyone else did as well. Thanks again for everyone who participated and attended. The audience performed the sound effects
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Ok, this is the creepiest picture I've ever seen of Albus Dumbledore I think part of it is I can't think of him as anything but an old man, so it kind of squicks me to think of him as my "husband" and to have this picture to match.
I've been putting off reading Twilight for a while now, but I caved and delved into the first book. And I've got to say, "WTF?!" This is the book everybody is raving about? It's like The DaVinci Code all over again. My head is left wheeling wondering how she ever got published? Did her editor just graduate from elementary school? The book is
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