Wow, I haven't updated in forever. I guess it's probably the combination of homework, cheer practice, stress from the trial coming up, and a whole bunch of other things
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School is off to a pretty good start, (besides the whole Ms. Kwan and her homework cult, note: she really needs to find a new cardigan...she has worn the same one for the first day of school ever since I can remember
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Trained hard at the gym. I've got get in shape for this year's cheering season!!! Our Panthers may suck, but hey, as long as you have an A+ cheering squad, no one really pays attention to the team
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Talking to Ellie. We've been getting pretty close since last year when I helped her with cutting. She was kind of mad at first, but what was I going to do? Ignore her problem? Thanks, but I'm not that insensitive. Well, me and Elle are chatting so I should probably focus more on her than this journal.
So this is my first entry. This one is mostly just for the sake of letting you all know that I finally got one (Ashley has been demading me to get one) and hope that you all add me to your friend's lists! (you know you want to, and how could you possibly resist).