Title: Everything in Moderation: Advanced Potions Made Easy [Jigger, A.]
Cast: Cara/Kahlan. Plus Chase, Dahlia, Hogwarts professors, and a few others.
Summary: This is part four of what I've started to call
Anthology. (As it is a collected history of a time at Hogwarts, with titles based off of theoretical textbooks.) Cara prepares for the upcoming
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Comments 24
Though she needs to do the next step to Cara.( And without asking her sister for advice; I mean, c´mon,! We all know that Dennee isn´t known as the most objective one if it comes to Cara...)
Oh, and I loved the paper-pets fighting!!
I hope, Cara doesn´t need to leave for a awful holiday?!
Oh, and I loved the paper-pets fighting!!
I don't even remember what it was now, but something in my current reread gave me the idea for the paper creatures in charms and then it sort of seemed inevitable that Kahlan and Cara's would go at each other. I asked a friend if it seemed like a really heavy-handed metaphor and she said something like, "What, you mean symbolic of how Kahlan and Cara want to devour each other? Yeah, no, you're sooooo subtle." I'm not sure she meant that!
I hope, Cara doesn´t need to leave for a awful holiday?!
The good and the bad news: she's staying with Grace's family. But Cat is coming too!
Now I´m waiting for next update... :)
Waiting for more ;)
And more is on the way! I blame the end of year crunch for this one taking so much longer. Here's hoping the next part finishes up faster.
Though Cara's version of kindness is still a LITTLE bit like "I'll try to use people slightly less" -- and by extension, she ends up using Chase a little bit more. (Poor Chase. For this entire part: poor Chase.)
Thanks for commenting. :)
They really need to learn to use their words. :)
Could probably be the summary for every part of this series.
Thanks for reading! I'm glad you seem to be enjoying it, even if the two of them can sometimes be confusing.
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