Feb 27, 2006 16:44
I can't even hear myself think! All that I keep hearing is that damn rock group she keeps blasting. A...Dir en grey? I think that was it. Sounds like a bunch of gibberish to me.....
Feb 24, 2006 17:54
Dammit everyone in this house is getting sick. I hope I don't catch their nasty germs.
I really can't stand that Mello person. He really pisses me off. I hope he chokes on his chocolate.
In other news....ah who am I kidding there is no other news.
Feb 18, 2006 10:08
I am NOT a sheep monkey.
Feb 13, 2006 21:03
Great thanks to this 'Bulby' person I have to go on a date with Aurora tomorrow because apparently I'm all lonely and emo. -_-
Jan 26, 2006 17:26
I forgot I had this thing. Hn. Not that anything interesting has been going on. Aurora keeps talking about some 'ACEN' thing that she's going to. I really don't care. I'm bored as hell right now though. So I hate to do this but......go ahead and spam me.
Jan 04, 2006 18:06
......Why....? What did I do to get such a horrible thing.
It looks like Aurora is having her hyper active friends stay the weekend while her mother goes out of town. ...I can't live through this. I need some place to hide. THERE IS ONLY SO MUCH J-ROCK I CAN HANDLE!
Dec 27, 2005 14:23
Now I remember why I don't like old people...They can't drive. Next time Aurora goes some place with her Grandmother I'm staying home.
...wonder if that ramens ready.
Dec 26, 2005 22:06
Alirght Christmas was alright.....I have to admit. Today has been pretty well too.
Since Aurora was writting I decided to try writing again too. I realized that I've become very rusty in my writing. How unfortunate..
..I'm hungry.
Dec 24, 2005 13:44 it is Christmas Eve and there's no snow here....oh well its probably for the better.
I think I might be dragged out of this house today..Crap.
Dec 23, 2005 16:30
I've come to this conclusion...humans are stupid.
So Aurora. Go to your stupid box and stay there till you die.