Prompt 4.10

Oct 17, 2006 07:49

ETA Set 4 Prompt Compilation:

04.01 Five times Jack listened to Daniel in the field without question.

04.02 Five times Daniel followed an order from Jack in the field without question.

04.03 Five pets Jack O'Neill remembers.

04.04 Five reasons Jack thinks God might actually exist despite the galaxy's attempt to prove otherwise.

04.05 Five things about Abydos Daniel doesn't miss.

04.06 Five things Sam knew about Cameron before they met up again at the SGC.

04.07 Five times Teal'c almost walked away.

04.08 Five ways George and Walter shared a first kiss.

04.09 Five hot and dirty things Carson wants to do to Rodney.

04.10 Five costumes worn to the SGC Halloween Party.

Five costumes worn to the SGC Halloween Party

Participation is open to all. If this is your own prompt, you’re free to write to it (please do!). Post your list as a comment to this post, additional comments if you exceed the character limit. It’s OK to post as Anonymous, then come out later or not as you choose. Responses will be screened until Monday October 30 to see what people come up with independently. You can still respond to the prompt after the unveiling, but 10/30 is the official due date.

General info and a place to ask questions: the comm ‘welcome’ post.

set 4, set index, sg-1 team, prompts

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