Title: Monologue
Rating: PG
Challenge #64: "What do you think about that?"
Warnings/Spoilers: AU for "Unending." Set after
Forever but before
The Very Young. Slight Daniel/Vala.
Summary: He only has ghosts for company.
"...so I discovered the cure for cancer today," he said, Sam's typing slowing to listen. "It turns out the Asgard figured it out centuries ago - something about manipulating DNA by subjecting it to subatomic particles that vibrate at super high frequencies..."
"...did you know that there's a civilization of frog-people in the Asgard home galaxy?" Cameron's jogging footsteps followed on his heels as he ran through the crew quarters corridors. "Apparently they evolved from this amphibious creature that reproduces by blowing its nose..."
"...I know you don't like to read books," he started, ignoring Vala's snort of derision, "but I found one I think you'll enjoy. It's called the Kama Sutra, and it's the oldest known sex manual on Earth. What do you think about that? Well, not exactly, but archaeology is really full of bizarre porn anyway..."
"...I remembered more about being Ascended this time." He ran a finger through the flame of the candle, listening to Teal'c's deep breathing. "Once Oma got me on my own two feet, so to speak, I spent some time on a secluded planet just learning how to be grass, or sunshine, or colors..."
The ship was hollow, the tiniest noise echoing off every bulkhead, resounding through the ship like a gigantic tuning fork, ricocheting until it finally faded below his hearing.