This post opens *unspoiled* discussion of Stargate: Atlantis episode 1x07: "Poisoning the Well".
This episode first aired in the US 20 August 2004. This episode is parallel to Stargate: SG-1 episode 8x07 "Affinity", by original US airdate.
US DVDset summary: Exploring a new gate address, the team encounters the Hoffans, a human civilization that has developed a drug with the potential to make them immune to the Wraith. When they learn of the Wraith's awakening at the hands of the Atlantis team, the Hoffan leaders grow impatient and demand that their people be inoculated before the drug is proven safe.
Resources. Standard linked-external-website disclaimers apply.
Credits and synopsis at Gateworld. English. Includes credits; synopsis; links to photos, transcript, other resources.
Stargate Wiki entry. Includes full episode summary, quotes, trivia (including spoilers), and links to other resources including official websites.
Have other good resources for this episode? Please provide a link in a comment or message me.
Please engage in *unspoiled* discussion about SGA 1x07 Poisoning the Well as replies to this post or its subthreads. "Unspoiled" in this context means no references to any content or plotlines for episodes after this one; that includes leading comments and hints. References to content from episodes before this one are always permitted. Remember that this episode is approximately parallel to Stargate: SG-1 episode 8x07 "Affinity", by original US airdate; if referring to SG-1 content after that point, please indicate that, as SG-1 some content can act as spoilers for Atlantis. Please treat any and all Stargate: Universe content and references as spoilers.
For now, this is an all-ship / no-ship welcome zone: feel free to note any supporting evidence for or against your favorite "ships", including gen / no-ships. In all cases, please be respectful of other people's ships or lack thereof.
Any comments, questions, suggestions, or other recommendations may be entered as new comments to this post. If you need to make a recommendation or ask a question outside this post, I can be reached by LJ notifications or by email to my username
The next discussion, of 1x08 Underground, will open approximately 11am US EDT Saturday 10 October (
When is that for me?).
Unspoiled discussion of the previous episode, "Childhood's End", is ongoing
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