Title: Sympathy for Eve, 2/27
Author: SGAtlantisLight
Characters: McKay, Beckett, Sheppard, Weir
Relationships: McKay/Beckett
Rating: PG for this part, but the series may end up being NC-17
Warnings: Conversations about abortion, mpreg
Spoilers: None
Summary: Second part of the
Sympathy for Eve series. When Rodney gets turned into a woman for a month, he decides to experiment, but little did he know it could have unforeseen consequences. Set somewhere in a nebulous third season after any cliffhanger-y stuff has been resolved.
Disclaimer: The characters, the setting, etc. are NOT mine, even if I wish they were.
"It appears that when the change reversed itself, because Rodney was already pregnant, it retained the foetus, uterus, and the associated blood supply."
Elizabeth nodded, looking concerned. "So, is he in any danger?"
"There's a wee bit more risk than there would be for a woman in his condition," Carson admitted.
Rodney snorted.
"For one thing, there is currently no pathway for the baby to be delivered... or aborted. Our only options are Caesarean section or using the device to once again turn him female. Because the change only lasts for a month and because we don't know what the effects of multiple changes would be, I feel this shouldn't be attempted except close to delivery... or... um... abortion. But, that means if there should be complications-- foetal death, miscarriage, placental separation-- it could be considerably more dangerous."
"I take it by your phrasing that you haven't decided what to do about this."
"No, we haven't," Carson answered, quietly taking Rodney's hand. "But I do want to be certain that you'll accept any decision we come to, whatever it may be."
She considered them for a moment and sighed. "This is hardly an ideal place to have a child, you know."
"Are you telling me you think I should have an abortion?" Rodney demanded.
"No, Rodney. I'm not trying to tell you what to do," she answered. The conversation was feeling extremely surreal. "I'm just saying you need to think about the kind of world you'd be bringing a child into and I really don't think--"
"Stop right there!" Rodney said, his voice going high and watery. "Just don't. Don't tell me what I should do with my body."
Carson squeezed his hand, trying to calm him.
"All right," Elizabeth answered. "But you know the SGC may not allow you to remain here if you go through with this pregnancy."
"That's not fair," Rodney spat. "That's not only discriminatory, it's tantamount to blackmail."
"She's just trying to be sure you understand the facts," Carson said soothingly.
Rodney stood. "Oh, I understand the facts. Come on, Carson."
John's face was impassive as Rodney explained why he couldn't go to MX4-373.
"Okay," he said.
"I know it's a little freakish," Rodney said.
"In this galaxy, nothing is freakish."
"Yeah. I suppose not."
"So, should I be looking for a long-term replacement on the team or what?" John asked.
"I don't know." Rodney looked miserable as he answered.
John nodded. "I'll just look for a temporary replacement for now."
Rodney sat for a moment. "I think this sensitivity training is going a bit far." He tried for a rueful smile.
John smiled. "How's Carson taking this?"
"Oh, he's... well, he's Carson. He's trying to be understanding and supportive and all that."
"In other words, he's left it all in your hands."
"Yeah." Rodney sighed. "I've got no experience with this, from either side. I have no idea what to do and it all seems so surreal to even be happening."
"I had a fiancée once," John said.
Rodney looked at him and raised his eyebrows in question.
"It was one of those engagements with no marriage date set, more an excuse to live together," John continued. "Everything was great. Until about six months in, she found out her mother had cancer. Two month later, I'm in the bathroom and realise she hasn't touched her birth control pills since she got the news. She couldn't really explain it to me. She just wanted a baby."
"Oh, boy," Rodney said, shaking his head.
"Yeah. It got kind of crazy for a while, but then... I don't know. I was okay with it, I guess. She was two months pregnant when her mother died." John looked down at his hands, his face impassive, thoughtful. "We helped with arrangements. We went to the funeral. And then, suddenly, she didn't want it anymore."
There was a long pause. Rodney didn't know what to say. He shifted uncomfortably.
"It was her body," John said into the silence. "So, I drove her down to the clinic and sat in the waiting room while she ended it and then drove her home and held her and told her it was okay." He exhaled slowly. "A week later, I moved out. I've never seen her again."
"No," Carson said, "don't tell me what you think I want to hear just because I want to hear it. It's your body, it's your risk. I'll respect whatever you choose to do."
"But it's your baby."
"Aye, it is... Mine and yours. But I'm not the one at risk here."
Rodney's wide blue eyes met his. "It's not the pregnancy that scares me, Carson. Okay, well, yes, it scares me. But, what really, really terrifies me is what comes after. I don't even like kids!"
"Believe me, it's different when it's your own," Carson assured him. "You just look into that wee bairn's face and he has your nose and your lover's eyes and he's so helpless and beautiful and you just know you'd move the whole world for him."
Rodney studied Carson's face, seeing the way his eyes shone. "Wait. Carson, how..."
Carson gave him a sad smile. "It took me a couple of years of sowing my wild oats before I finally accepted I was gay." He leaned forward, lips meeting Rodney's in a soft kiss. "He would be seventeen now."
Next part