ON #1

Jan 03, 2008 14:54

Old Navy #1 - CLOSED
Wanted to get something for my guy.
But no 1 open...so i try..

First time opening,
So join only if you are comfortable.

Sgspree Feedback: (136+ / 0 / 0) Many Thanks to all. =)

Terms & Condition:

- Not liable for any mistakes made by the seller. I will try my best.
- Not responsible for any lost mail.
- Not responsible for any defects in the items.
- I have the right to reject some people orders, with whom i'm not comfortable with.


1. website you're ordering from: http://www.oldnavy.com/

2. Closing Spree when: USD $150 (pls do not bust the cap, i don't like to do refunds)

3. spree organiser's email address: lingzi_84@yahoo.com.sg

Please make all payment to POSBSavings a/c 119-55890-5 (Only POSB / DBS).
Only Internet Banking allowed and pls use LJ nick.

5. Exchange rate : 1SGD : USD 1.49

6. Shipping & Payment details:

Using Vpost

Shipping units (will be revise when items arrive.)
0.5 - accessories
1 - Tops
1.5 - shorts / skirts
2 - dress / jumpers

There will be 2 Transaction all together.
1. For the items + shipping ($3/item)
2. For shipping (if any) and local postage + 50c handling fee (for your envlope, tape, etc)

7. Update -
all update will be done in here.

8. How you will distribute items
By normal / registered post.

Local Postal Rates  There will be an additional $2.24 applicable for registered articles

Rates for mail items above 2kg as per Speedpost Islandwide Standard (Parcel) items.
Please refer to Speedpost Islandwide rate chart.For Letters, Postcards, Printed Papers And Small Packets
Literature for the Blind
(Maximum Weight 7kg)
Postage Free Weight Step Not OverStandard MailNon-Standard Mail
20g26c (1st Local) 40g32c (2nd Local)50cLarge100g50c80c250g80c$1.00500g$1.00$1.501kg$2.55


8. Format for order

real name/ lj nick: **Important
email address: **important
account no. & type:

item url: pls make sure it correct
item code: #519745 (Need this to confirm the item)
color: white
size: M
quantity: 1
alt. if OOS: black
price in usd:

item url: pls make sure it correct
color: white
Size: M
quantity: 1
alt. if OOS: black
price in usd:

Total no. of items:
total in S$: (1st item + 2nd item) *1.49 + (no. of items * $3) =

Total no. of items:
Transaction reference no.:


- Big bags re not allowed, as they are rather bulky. I heard that ON ship in large boxes, so the shipping is quite expensive. 
So all items that u think is very bulky is not allow.
- This is the first time i'm trying. Should there be any problem, i might cancel the spree. It is not at my own wish, pls understand this.

Join only if u are comfortable with this.

5 Jan

Payment received = Frozen reply = Orders taken.

Orders taken:

Name / Lj nick

no. of items

amt in usd







Phyllis / lizzeatsyou









ginny / killerdolly








There is a 5 usd charge for shipping.
Now waiting to see if the order will be approved.

Pple whom i wll refund by sunday night: 
- Joan/walkingstitch, item oos
- ann/straggerr, cap exceeded.
- junli / electrogo, cap exceeded.

6 Jan

Just received an e-mail from old navy, that our orders is now pending for shipment. =)
So i think it has been approved.

Refunds done.

- Joan/walkingstitch, $12.31, ref no.:1515924827
- ann/straggerr, $21.85, ref no.:1515927008
- junli / electrogo, $39.51, ref no.:1515928944

08 Jan

Item shipped to Vpost on 6th Jan. 
Will take ard 4-7 days to reach Vpost. 
Keep u all updated when vpost receive the parcel.

11 Jan

Parcel is expected to reach Vpost by today.
However, due to weather changes, there was a delay.

15 Jan

Parcel reach vpost on the 12th.
But vpost haven't match it to my account, so i can't do anything now..only can wait.

16 Jan

Already made payment to vpost, awaiting for vpost to ship the parcel.
Estimated Delivery time: 5-8 working days.

17 Jan

Please post the mode of collection in HERE
If u join any other spree of mine, u can do a combine postage, but must remind me.
Will update after i received the items.

20 Jan

Tracking no.: VS002552205US , www.singpost.com.sg

23 Jan

Parcel arrived in Singapore this morning, at Speedpost processing center.
Will take ard 2-3days, for me to receive.
Received mode of collection from all of u. =)

26 Jan

Previously, i updated something here, ignore that as that is not important.

I received the items today.

Pictures were kept small, so that loading is slightly faster. 
To view the larger version, Pls click on the picture, wait for it to load and ZOOM it.

Shipping charges by Singpost. 
Not very heavy, but ON shipped in a BIG bag. 
So instead of using actual wight for shipping (3.6kg), vpost charged the shipping using the volumetric weight (using the dimension, 7kg).

Shipping units 1 unitlight tops1.5 unitsHeavier tops, Capris and Shorts2 unitsHoodies
Including the shipping to VPOST, charge by ON ( 5usd ), each shipping unit is $4.24 SGD.
See chart below for calculation.

Click on the picture, wait for it to load & Zoom in to see the breakdown. 
Actual postage have been calculated for u all.

So after u have transfer, do keep me inform, in either on the lj page that given above, or here (but don't leave ur address / contact no. here)

If anyone of u would prefer meet-up, just leave ur hp no. on my lj page that was given above. 
Only if u can wait.
Meet-up location will be at either somerset or bouna vista mrt, both at 5:15pm. 
Might change due to my schedule, but will still be somewhere near these few places.

If anything u don't understand, just leave a comment in here. =)

29 Jan

Items sent.

DateName / Lj nickStatus28 Janwingyi/wing041185Mailed Samantha/kimberlalooMailed, need to top-up $0.20 as the postage is $1.    30 Janginny / killerdollyRR621270053SG    2 Feb shirley/fanci_galMailed
Important: If u have not received it by the 4th - 6th working day, keep me inform.

For those who have received their items, u can leave me a feedback.
My feedback link: http://community.livejournal.com/sgspreefeedback/63114.html

Format -

Name of Spree: ON #1
URL of Spree: http://community.livejournal.com/sgspree/2263537.html

Thank you!. =)

30 Jan

Item mailed.

2 Feb

Item mailed. Table updated.
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