Each time there's a school shooting it makes me nervous to go to school. If I was on a traditional four year campus, I would really not at all be worried about it. I would feel the tragedy and such but really being at a four year campus where a lot of people live on campus is, or at least feels, like a secure environment. As is stands now I got
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I kind of realized that I've never effectively explained the wonder of crew to people who have never rowed. I didn't even really think about it until recently, when I joined a gym. About a week ago a guy sat down on the erg next to me and did his time and after I had finished mine he asked "where do you row?" He was suprised when I told him I
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I met a friend of mine during the summer of 1998, and we've stayed friends until current day, so almost ten years. Which, you know, seems like a long time, but it's kind of just a number
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...and Abraham said, "I can't hear you, you'll have to speak into the microphone." And so God said, "I'm sorry, is this better? Check, check, Jerry pull the high end out I'm still getting some hiss back here
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Have you ever had just "one of those mornings"? Where you get up for class and start getting ready and eat breakfast and everything and then realize that you just can't do it and go back to sleep for an hour and a half until your next class? Today may be one of those days, although it is still up in the air.
Okay, so generally being Bipolar doesn't affect me. I've been essentially stable since 2003 when I was first diagnosed, which is funny because I found out I was bipolar and had Mono on the same day. September 13, faaantastic. Moving on
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I'm stuck. Like pretty hardcore stuck. Everyone around me seems to know what they want to do in their life, what their career path is. I am stuck between two different ones, and I'm reaching out to people who know me best. I know a lot of people don't really read LiveJournals anymore as the MySpace wave has washed over everything else, any
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