I wish she didn't live on the other side of town and have a million toddlers and a work schedule kinda opposite of mine, because this girl is awesome and I would love to get to see her again. Since apparently I fail at making that happen, here is LJ-love instead.
E is another case of we should have known each other. We have lots of people in common, and live not that far from each other. It took the not that uncommon coincidence of both of us having twins, and being LJ peeps for us to meet, though.
My life is richer for that happening. She is so incredibly supportive, and so incredibly herself that just witnessing her living is I feel in awe of her abilities. She also has the ability to be silly and serious in ways I truly appreciate, at times I appreciate.
I can only conclude that I was totally and completely asleep when I attempted to write this. The editing errors are so whack, I'm a bit surprised that you sussed out the love that was and is there. <3
My life is richer for that happening. She is so incredibly supportive, and so incredibly herself that just witnessing her living is I feel in awe of her abilities. She also has the ability to be silly and serious in ways I truly appreciate, at times I appreciate.
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